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Everything posted by braekyn

  1. Anyone know why V-Snap no longer works? Hasn't since 0.90
  2. Okay, anyone else have this issue? With the MechJeb box attached to the craft, in the VAB the little option boxdoes not appear. And on launch, while the "MJ" toggle button is there up top by fuel and engineer, it doesn't make the interface appear.
  3. Yeah, I checked activation, no issues there. Gyro's seem to sork no problem, as does any engine gimbal, so I doubt it's controls but i'll have a look. Battery's are fine - Fresh from the gate. Will check nose wheel.
  4. KSP .25 x64 Mods were installed, removed them, problem persists. Reinstalled. Problem Persists. Okay, so I just made a quick little space plane, and found that my control surfaces are entirely unreactive - Elevons, Canards, Delta-Deluxe - all inoperative. It's not a CoG issue while on runway - After launching off the end of the runway, I am still unable to enact any control. Neither control animations, or actual control occur. Any ideas? This has only happened since the .25 update.
  5. Whelp... I've always meant to do Linux. Here's the push
  6. Okay, so, I removed procedural parts, removed the extra (older) versions of Module manager, and updated all mods to the best of my knowledge. Now, however, the game crashes on even entering the VAB, SPH, or Launch Pad. KSP: 0.24.2 Windows 64bit Problem: Entering any assembly or launch building causes a CTD Mods installed: Lots of them. The point is to try and get it working WITH the mods. Reproduction steps: Start game Click on VAB, SPH, Launch Pad, or Runway. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/57w2la6ywuhdhz5/2014-09-06_174458.rar?dl=0
  7. Huh, that's odd- I'm using Module Manager 2.3.3 - Cecked my gamedata folder though, and it's got 3 different versions there - 2.1.5, 2.2.2, and 2.3.3. I'll try without any proc.parts, and get back to you.
  8. Any time I go from VAB -> Launch Pad, or even directly from the space center itself, the game freezes in a black screen - The HUD, however, finishes loading - leaving me with my NavBall, Staging, Altitude, etc - but completely frozen. Tabbing out reveals an error message, and this error report: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lcjfdjuucwsxupu/2014-09-05_230226.rar?dl=0 I do have quite a few mods loaded, but they caused no problems before - not quite sure what to make of this.
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