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Everything posted by tgvaughan

  1. In my case, this problem was fixed by the following the instructions for enabling (or rather preventing the disabling of) shadows under Intel graphics cards. This fixed the crashes in both the 64 bit and 32 bit binaries. I noticed some other posts mentioning that this fixed crashes for other people with these cards. Perhaps the OP could be changed to note that this fixes more than just shadows?
  2. Just a useless "me too" post. I have exactly the same symptoms after performing a completely fresh install of 0.23.5 without any mods installed. I'm running linux kernel 3.13-1-amd64 and have tried both 64bit and 32bit versions. Both run perfectly up to and including a rocket launch. A few seconds after launch though, the game exits with "aborted". No error is reported at the end of the log file. I didn't experience any problems with earlier versions on the same system. I've tried the suggested binary modifications to no avail.
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