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Posts posted by NyKo_F

  1. I think i have found a bug.

    KSP Version: .24.2 Windows 32 bits

    What Happens: When right clicking a mod window in iva it disappears and does not reappear

    Mods / Add-Ons:

    Kerbal Engineer (but any other mod which create a window accessible in iva should do it too)

    Steps to Replicate:

    -Add a flight chip to a manned vessel whith an iva view (like the stock Aeris 3A), launch it

    -Go to iva

    -Right-click the flight engineer (or any other mod)'s window (like if you wanted to move the camera around)


    -The window disappears

    -If you quit the flight scene (or the game) and go to GameData\Engineer\PluginData\Engineer and open flight_engineer.cfg, the attribute _SAVEONCHANGE_NOCHANGEUPDATE_WINDOW_POSITION goes negative (for exemple -250, -63, 275, 88)


    -If you change these values for adequate ones (like 10,10,275,88), the window reappear

    Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files:

    -The same behavior could be observed whith the debug (Alt-F12) window execpt that this one reappears when you move the camera around afterwards.

    -I had the same problem whith Action Group Extended

    -Sometimes (if you exit the game properly i think) in flight_engineer.cfg, the attribute _WINDOW_POSITION goes also negative and you have to change it too to make the window reappear

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