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Pointless Creations Inc.

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Can you add a GBU-12, here is how it would work there would be laser pod and you would click on the ground where you wan to point the laser, the bomb will then fall there
  2. Hello, I was wondering if you could make some WWII old stationary 12.7mm machine guns I can mount into the wings and maybe, this would be REALLY appreciated is a prop engine with a gun built right into it, i understand if that is not do able due to collision boxes and what not. Thanks!
  3. You can pick the kerbals that go in the rocket
  4. This may seem like a silly question, but I cant find anywhere to put my mod! Can someone suggest something please! Curse is not working for me! I will upload the file but it will say''time out'' and stop! Please recommend a place for me to put my mods! Thanks
  5. Have you ever run out of fuel in your booster stage? Well, Adapto-Tanks will solve that! What is Adapto-Tanks? Adapto-Tanks are adapters filled to the brim with oxidizers and fuel! This adds 3 new parts! FL-T10 X2, FL-T10 X3 & FL-T10 X4! Here's the link ->http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/adapto-tank/ Enjoy
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