So I've been working on this the past couple of weeks: The X-37B! Most likely just a sub-scale test bed, but it sure looks cool! I've currently done it to real world scale, I haven't kerbalized the dimensions, mainly since there doesn't seem to be a set standard. As you can see in the album, having it this scale makes the cargo bay marginally useful (and maybe there's space for a passenger module or two!) The screenshots in orbit show the boilerplate version, with all the separate meshes still as one piece. I'd never really modeled anything before, but helldiver's Mini Shuttle was crazy inspirational. The model is done and textured (although I'll probably take another crack at the texture, add a normal map and some more detail), all parts are animated. So it's almost done, right? HAHAHAHAHA. I've started the process of getting the meshes into the game as individual parts, but it's been kind of a struggle. Specifically, getting the correct orientation in Blender and Unity and getting it to show up facing the correct direction in the game has been a fight every step of the way. Does the rotation and facing in Blender matter? Does rotation and facing in Unity matter? I've tried parenting the meshes to an empty Game Object in Unity and rotating that, but it has inconsistent results. There are just seemingly dozens of places the rotation and position can be set, and it's been hard for me to pin down what I need to do. I feel like I'm making it harder than it should be. Does it matter if the position and rotation are applied? And every time I try and reposition the parts, apply their rotation, the animations break, so I get to fiddle with that. I've been using the a plugin for Blender that swaps the coords for Unity, but it also resets the position of everything, which makes my animation keyframes wrong, so I get to do those again, and it still doesn't work all the time. But, progress is being made. Attachment nodes aren't bad, and and basic configs are set up. Currently the nose and fuselage are in, cargo bay animation is working, and landing gear are mostly working. I've been looking at the example images for landing gear floating around, but the default gear module is too finicky for my tastes, so I'm trying snjo's Firespitter plugin. I got the gear part working, as in the wheel collider and open/close animation works, but my gear mesh has decided it wants to rotate around the z axis instead of the x axis. That seems to maybe be because the wheel is parented to the landing leg. I know that's not how the example landing gear images are set up, but I need that parenting for the animation to work. I also found out that breaking the parenting of the meshes in Unity breaks the animations, so I've had to set up dummy objects in Blender to preserve the parenting relationship. Good times. So I wanted to get a post up, at least, since the lack of progress recently has been kind of discouraging. But I'll keep working at it!