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  1. Contains Spoilers!! Eeloo is an interesting planet, far away and on a storage orbit. KSP isn't a realistic game, but that doesn't stop people from forming theories! Eeloo is covered in ice, with large cracks on its surface. A surface sample from it reveals that beneath a layer of ice is brown soil. For soil to form, erosion must take place. Erosion doesn't occur in a full ice planet. This could mean that Eeloo was a "goldilocks" planet, capable of having liquid water. However, it's very far from that zone. It's eccentric orbit that dips in past jool and then far back out, with extreme ascension and descension, which could suggest it was slingshoted out of the inner system. Of course all this speculation will be undone when it becomes a moon.
  2. Ive tried it with Hyperedit, but every time I reopen the game they are back to default.
  3. Does anyone know how to permanently change a planets orbit? Ive tried multiple ways but every time I restart the game they are back to normal.
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