Awesome, I'll email my submission, Huh what's this doing here?... Dear Siggas Kerman, Your recent results in the standard (but super easy) test of intelligence have astounded us. They have nonetheless encouraged us to build a spacecraft with an integrated fail-proof system for individuals with, erm.. poor cognitive skills. You are expected to test run 'this baby'. We would also appreciate any of the following: Mun-Goo x2; Munar ground sample; Munar reports (Crew and EVA; near, orbit and surface) Intact Capsule & Science lab unit Regards, Magnus von Kerman Rockomax Conglomerate co-CEO P.S: Our engineers have informed us that should the chute fail to deploy (oh boy), the craft & the "SC-9001 Science JR" unit should be able to withstand an impact below 80 m/s; Should the impact velocity be any higher we regret to inform you that we will not be legally accountable should any damage to the "Munar3xploder" space rocket or personnel. P.P.S: Although the name of the craft may be suggestive of crashing into the Mun, please refrain from doing so.