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Everything posted by Knight5olaire

  1. Thanks for the video! Rockomax Conglomerate isn't what it used to be, sorry about that. Dear Siggas Kerman, Congratulations on your recent success, we will eagerly test the samples provided although We do believe there might have been a mix-up with the ground sample you have sent us; There are what appears to be crickets (We have named those Mun-crickets) and grass blades along with the collected rocks. We would appreciate a confirmation that the sample did in fact come from the Mun, we have prepared a scientific journal describing the your amazing feats and findings and are ready to publish it! (3 million copies to be given out to sister Kerbal Space Programs engineers and scientists) We are quite saddened by the loss of our craft and will opt for a more apt test pilot in the future. Thank you for your services. Regards, Dopurak Kerman Rockomax Conglomerate Head Janitor P.S: We also want to congratulate you on being the first volunteer for an Asteroid Course redirection mission. We have been told you were adamant in the face of danger even when facing certain death! P.S.S: Please pass the following message to your collegue Mitkin Kerman as we have run out of stamps (BIG parcel coming) // Dear Mitkin Kerman, Congratulations on your near perfect score in the Academy's latest intelligence test. We would like to give you the privilege of being the first Kerbonaut to try out the most luxurious and sumptuous rocket ever designed by our engineers. We also would like to inform you that the rumors spread by your fellow Kerbonaut Siggas Kerman are all ill-founded and cannot be backed up by any evidence. Thank you for your time. Best Regards, Magnus von Kerman Rockomax Conglomerate co-CEO
  2. Awesome, I'll email my submission, Huh what's this doing here?... Dear Siggas Kerman, Your recent results in the standard (but super easy) test of intelligence have astounded us. They have nonetheless encouraged us to build a spacecraft with an integrated fail-proof system for individuals with, erm.. poor cognitive skills. You are expected to test run 'this baby'. We would also appreciate any of the following: Mun-Goo x2; Munar ground sample; Munar reports (Crew and EVA; near, orbit and surface) Intact Capsule & Science lab unit Regards, Magnus von Kerman Rockomax Conglomerate co-CEO P.S: Our engineers have informed us that should the chute fail to deploy (oh boy), the craft & the "SC-9001 Science JR" unit should be able to withstand an impact below 80 m/s; Should the impact velocity be any higher we regret to inform you that we will not be legally accountable should any damage to the "Munar3xploder" space rocket or personnel. P.P.S: Although the name of the craft may be suggestive of crashing into the Mun, please refrain from doing so.
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