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Everything posted by Hyperic88

  1. Hi Folks, sorry if it has been already suggested, but i didn't find it anywhere so... Since i start to play KSP and start to experiment with moar boosters/engines/whatever ) i was quite angry when i build a fabulous rocket only to found out that thrust isn't sufficient to launch a ship. So i was wondering, if there can be some inner calc or at least stats of total mass / need thrust power to lift of this pile of junk eeeeer i mean fabulous rocket Or simplier if there is some fixed mass to thrust ratio then only post the total mass of the ship
  2. It completely nonsense of refueling solid rocket, solid boosters have only one thing why they are used, or why they were invented at first place. Firstly they were used as the common source of thrust before invention of liquid fuel, and later they were used in military rocket engines cause they can be "prepared" and stay prepared for loooooong time and launched when needed. Otherwise the liquid fuel is better weight to thrust ratio Edit: yeah, like Person012345 said, look for the solid fuel and how does it works:))
  3. No, there is nothing like *.csv, just 'mapper.exe' here okey, problem probably solved by 'rename' parent folder from KSP_0.15.2' to 'KSP_win' )
  4. Okey , i\'ve add that to main engines section, so it is active, i have also 'checked' map module power, but when i run throught a command line a command 'isa_RAM_MapGen.exe' (so thats the default i suppose), it simply do nothing (or at least it looks like)
  5. Okey, i\'ve downloaded, installed (put unto folders ), place a part on my rocket, get on the orbit (both Kerbin/Mun), run the mapper but nothing happened, mean neither a file or screenshot was created. Where did i made a mistake?:/
  6. Oh my gosh! since this is fully operational and fuctional, it move the game to a multiplayer, one player for the control center (e.g. Kerbal Space Agency) and one for the 'pilot\'s seat' !!! GREAT!!!
  7. May your name be praised! Just what i was looking for, now only thing i need to 'handle' is modeling and texturing Yahoo
  8. Thx:) it works! but its still 'not' under the engines tab :/
  9. Hi, i just want to edit one part 'One-way' RCS thruster to has a functionality of 'normal fuel' thruster... so i ripped off some lines from liquid engine part and by my consideration add them or replace in the rcs part config... but nothing has happened... can anyone help me with that stuff? It has still RCS icon, and i think even RCS function... :/
  10. i made a part with help of 'blender tutorial' and use part config from original stack decoupler but alternate things like 'texture' 'model' etc. to fit to my 'creation'. I can even show it in 'SDK' part manager (textures are quite messed but doesnt mind about textures now). But when i put it into a game folder and start the game i stuck on a message ' KeyNotFoundException : the given key was not present in dictionary' why is so?
  11. Hi Kerbengineer\'s, just one question i simply 're-scale' the model of stack decoupler from 1m diameter to 3m, but dunno why i get 'The given key blah blah blah'...only thing that i changed was X-scale and Z-scale, Y-scale and Top and bottom attach points are at the same 'height' as before..
  12. Well, right now a new galaxies will be populated by Kerbals !!) \'Cause i managed to make an excelent use of gravitational sling... so... the velocity when i ended the sim was about 4434km/s ..shame that these brave kerbals were all men, and they will die soon because of tha lack of oxygen and food )
  13. Thanks Steevy, but what are the dimensions? i man radius? standart '1' ?
  14. well google sketchup doesnt have a supported file type as *.DAE in import menu... weird...
  15. No it doesnt, so i have to learn with that stuff named blender... i tried to import an existing Dae file (like Mkpod1) but nothing happened :/ i mean nothing showed up... i use blender 2.59 and collada to blender plug in 0.3.159... gosh
  16. ok another question, can someone who already made some modifications in models, tell me what does he/she used to do that?
  17. Sorry but i have to say, i can\'t understand what two meshes...or... this way.. Ok i make a 24 verticles cylinder (thats the first mesh), what about the second one? mean where to attach or somethin\'?
  18. Hi Kerbal engineers, o have a pretyy few ideas to make, like real design rocket motors and stuff but i am stuck at the modeling part, because the only thing in which i can model is Autodesk Inventor, well i know it is not perfect but can someone help me with that stuff? i mean whats are the dimensions etc.? Any help will be appreciated
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