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Posts posted by neo6060

  1. To my knowledge, the only way to get mechjeb to work with the KSO, or anything with the COT offset from the COM, is for mechjeb itself to compensate, as it calculates thrust and steers burns based on the COM of the craft. Or at least, thats the way it worked when I dug through the source a month ago.

    I use mechjeb all the time and it works great for me. I do nothing special for lunch, but for when I'm in orbit here's what I've done special. I have taken an added a third OMS engine, on the connection node between the two full size engines and make sure they're trim is set to "0" . If it starts to spin in weird ways trying to chase the maneuver node at the end of a burn just let it, seems to work out in the end for me. I use docking autopilot, rendezvous autopilot, and even spaceplane guidance for landing, as well as everything in between.

    Let me know if you need pictures illustrating what I'm doing with the engine placement.

    As to whether to work with a super 25 I would think so they're designed pretty similar.

    I hope this wasn't too long of a reply. :D

    P.s. I can't wait for the super 25

  2. Raster Prop Monitors is the plugin that allows the KSO to display the Mechjeb auto pilot on the MFD's, So if you update it it might fix your problem of it saying "Autopilot not installed".

    I decided that I don't use iva enough to put this much effort in trying to get MJ work on the MDF displays, but thank you for your help because now I have MDF displaced in all the stock capsules.

    also will the super 25 shuttle have a nosecone hatch. :)

  3. Another wierd bug, I don't think this is solely a mechjeb issue, because other ships seem to work, but the KSO seems to have trouble with some of the Mechjeb "autopilot" modes. It works fine with the Ascent guidance, docking autopilot, SASS and the Maneuver planner, but if I try to use Rendezvous Autopilot or Landing Autopilot, it inevitably starts spinning uncontrollably and burning fuel, Oddly enough, this only seems to happen in modes like that that string together one maneuver node after another. I suspect it may have something to so with the gimbals on the OMS or the low torque of the reaction wheels.

    Rendezvous auto pilot and the like work just fine, as I just use them to great success half hour ago with the KSO shuttle. I'm talking at the MDF panel in IVA.



  4. When I go to the plug-ins page of the MDF and I click smart SAS it shows me that there's no software installed, even though I have MechJeb2 install.

    so if anyone could please tell me how to make this work, and if it's possible to have other functions of MechJeb2 available in the MDF, and also maybe other plug-ins


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