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  1. I posted about this on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3dkjdj/all_of_my_shipwrecked_kerbals_are_female/ Of my 20 kerbals on my roster: http://i.imgur.com/WqnocTk.png http://i.imgur.com/fSO8OxM.png ... besides the original 3, every single one I've gotten from (non-selectively) rescuing and every single one is female. Plus, I've turned down countless other rescues (I go for the quick easy 'orbit of kerbal' ones to bulk up my ranks) and every single one is female. All of the ones I've rescued, and all of the ones I haven't. They're all female. I understand RNG, but this is crazy. The chances of this happening randomly (2^16 for just the ones in my roster. Probably something like 2^40 to include the ones I've turned down) are basically impossible. There must be either a bug in KSP, or in one of the mods I'm running. BTW, I have one rescue currently underway... for another female.
  2. Ah, the problem was I missed the update. I was running 0.9. For those of you who want to know the exact option it's: "Use x10 UT Increment" Which changes the +/- 1k buttons to +/- Orb.
  3. Is it possible to add a button for the 'next orbit/previous orbit' functionality that was added to the maneuver node system in 0.23.5? Not sure how easy that would be, but the functionality would be extremely useful when mapped to the keyboard. Maybe 0 and . since 1 and 3 are forward and back in time already?
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