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Everything posted by chaoservices

  1. My crew always matches signs and licks the terminals, just like I trained them. So it couldn't be that.
  2. This reminds me. Several versions ago when I built my first inter-planetary ship. I ran the extractors/purifies and the lights went off! The crew shortly perished, for lack of electricity having failed to bring any systems online. A little while after that the ship exploded for lack of antimatter containment. I did get fresh air and water though. I checked a save file and found that every electrical integer was now NaN! I did mean to bring it up as a bug at the time but RL got busy. Now we are versions away and I have a entirely new instance of ksp. I can't wait to build a new ship and see if it happens again!
  3. Prop SavinaRoja, You've reduced me to a gibbering fanboy, and I've rewrote this post 3 times. This is fantastic! This is 90% of how I want to play KSP! Please keep up the good work. You are inspiring! Lets see if I can do that other 10% I want to see.
  4. Hey, can't wait till you iron out for .9! Yours is a make or break mod for me and ksp. Curious why you don't distribute through kerbalstuff.
  5. Happy to say I don't play KSP without this mod! It is really of the best. It is inconvenient via updates for me but I assume you have a good reason not to join in KerbalStuff.com. But I am curious why.
  6. Hey, I added a sheet and a table on the main page for calculating parts electric use and battery additions. And conditional formatting when current battery is less then min battery. Yellow! With updates and mods I can't promise the numbers are accurate and certainly haven't even attempted to add non stock parts. But the framework is there so anyone with a millimeter of savvy can update the partData sheet with correct/more data. Enjoy and feel free to copy it into the your main sheet if you like the additions. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18RLfn4Gdbc5PqCcUkjsD_7kbDgviIkgHR9LktX1TO5U/edit?usp=sharing
  7. So only the grand three net reputation on return? Or maybe my custom named kerbonauts just don't count. Eitherway seems out of sorts. Apologies if it's been said already but I didn't see it anywhere.
  8. In my case I'm pretty sure I need to be landed, not floating, at each of the six coordinates for the Seismic Accelerators to work effectively and monitor for impacts. That has been true on Kerbin at least. Thank you all for the ScanSat recommendations!!!
  9. Short story: I need a way to find the biome of the antipodal point on a planet. Bonus points if it also can find the biomes of points defined by orthogonal lines to the line define by the antipodal points. Long story: I want to set up Seismic Accelerometer's (Interstellar mod) and communication equipment on six points of Kerban, not underwater, that are farthest from eachother. For instance, 0, 90, 180, 360 degrees latitude along the equator and the north and south polls. My current method involves planet spinning and am looking for a smarter one. Any ideas?
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