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  1. Hi everyone, I'm more or less new to the game, (I've owned the game since last April and have played it for a few weeks at a time here and there,) and I understand a lot of the game concepts by now but one thing that i'm continually confused by is the use of the phrase "Delta-V." You're probably thinking "How the HELL can you be confused about such a simple and important concept!?" but i'm ashamed to say that I've just never really had much experience with it, despite the fact that it's a concept that affects every single flight I take For starters, I refuse to mod the game. A lot of the mods out there do look very shiny and attractive, but I'm a firm believer in using only what the game devs have provided, (Also hoping that flying old-school will make me a better pilot in the long run,) so I haven't installed MJ or any other mod that provides calculations or other such readouts of Delta-V. Basically the stock game has no way of calculating it whatsoever, so up until now it's been a 'Non-existent" part of my gameplay. If you know what I mean. Soooo basically my understanding of Delta-V at this point in time is that the term "Delta-V" is almost synonymous with the term "Fuel efficiency." or "Effort." I see a lot of people throwing around the phrase "It takes x Delta-V to reach x destination," or to complete said maneuver, or to land on Eve, etc etc... Can anybody clear this concept up for me in noob-friendly english? Furthermore, what are your opinions on flying stock? Do all the successful pilots out there use MJ and other such mods or do I have any hope at all of achieving anything noteworthy without modding the game? So far I've made various trips to, from and around Kerbin's moons and a few trips across the system and back to Kerbin, but have not landed on any other planets. Everything so far has been extremely trial and error and without a system of calculating what kind of Delta-V I need to have in order to...land that rover on Eve, for example, before I actually get there and experience it, I feel like the only option is to go there and fail a dozen times until I figure out exactly what I need to build. It's a very time consuming process, which, in the end, has always led to me burning myself out. Thanks
  2. Update: Since the last post I've completely rebuilt the module I want to send up into orbit. The module actually ended up being about 30% larger because I realized that the structure was easy to get into space. Its somewhere around 110 parts (Mostly in Octagonal Girders,) and was put into a 150km orbit. The booster stage that I used to get this one up has also been completely redesigned since the old one would now be too small to carry the larger ship. Results: The Kraken still hates me :*( This new module still only lasted about 2 seconds before being obliterated and though I can manage to get in a quick save before it agitates itself to pieces, reloading has no effect and neither does immediately exiting and re-opening the program. Reverting and re-launching yields the same result every time. Have at you Mr. Kraken. Next step: I will try three things: 1 - Will attempt to take Gaiiden's approach, though I can see myself running into problems. 2 - I will attempt to rebuild the module making it less "parts-intensive." A single space station module with 110 pieces is getting up there....3 - I will see whether or not its just "this" module that sends the Kraken into rage mode or if every other ship I leave hanging in orbit also triggers it. I will update in a day or two after I've gotten around to doing these things. I'd be really appreciative for any more advice from readers. I'm hoping that this thread will be beneficial to any player newer than I who has encountered the same problem. Will follow up with pictures if I ever figure out how
  3. Thanks for the help guys. Though the issue hasn't been solved yet and I'm still open to advice, after googling "Gyro Kraken" as Starwhip suggested, I've determined that to be the cause. A bit of extra info that I forgot to include in the OP: I don't use mods, and the issue has persisted after every consecutive launch with the same ship. Immediately exiting the flight via the Space Center has not yielded any results. I'm going to try rebuilding the ship from scratch and launching it again, cause unfortunately everything that Gaiiden said to do seemed way too complex I will update this when I've put the new ship into orbit, but if anybody has any more info please feel free to add it
  4. Hi guys o/ I seem to be having issues with resuming flights from the Tracking Center, and was hoping to get some possible fixes or workarounds... A similar problem was brought up in this thread a while back: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74420-Did-I-finally-meet-the-kraken [Details] I put the first module of a space station into a 100-ish km orbit around Kerbin the other day, and then went to sleep for the night. The next day I came back and wanted to take a look at the ship again, so I opened the Tracking Center, clicked the ship's icon in orbit and resumed the flight. Not 3 seconds in, the ship proceeds spin violently and tear itself apart, sending bits and pieces of it flying outwards in all directions. The module that I had put up was one with a lot of solar panels on it, so everything was just absolutely shredded. I ended up having to exit the flight via the space station and terminate it because there was no way to reload. I tried sending up the same ship multiple times since that first occurrence, and every single time... The ship is structurally sound, and it made it into orbit without any problems whatsoever. I also terminate all debris after every few flights, so there's no way it could have hit debris in its orbit. ...? Has anybody else experienced this? Is there a way to make it stop? Thanks in advance for the help!
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