Hi everyone, I'm more or less new to the game, (I've owned the game since last April and have played it for a few weeks at a time here and there,) and I understand a lot of the game concepts by now but one thing that i'm continually confused by is the use of the phrase "Delta-V." You're probably thinking "How the HELL can you be confused about such a simple and important concept!?" but i'm ashamed to say that I've just never really had much experience with it, despite the fact that it's a concept that affects every single flight I take For starters, I refuse to mod the game. A lot of the mods out there do look very shiny and attractive, but I'm a firm believer in using only what the game devs have provided, (Also hoping that flying old-school will make me a better pilot in the long run,) so I haven't installed MJ or any other mod that provides calculations or other such readouts of Delta-V. Basically the stock game has no way of calculating it whatsoever, so up until now it's been a 'Non-existent" part of my gameplay. If you know what I mean. Soooo basically my understanding of Delta-V at this point in time is that the term "Delta-V" is almost synonymous with the term "Fuel efficiency." or "Effort." I see a lot of people throwing around the phrase "It takes x Delta-V to reach x destination," or to complete said maneuver, or to land on Eve, etc etc... Can anybody clear this concept up for me in noob-friendly english? Furthermore, what are your opinions on flying stock? Do all the successful pilots out there use MJ and other such mods or do I have any hope at all of achieving anything noteworthy without modding the game? So far I've made various trips to, from and around Kerbin's moons and a few trips across the system and back to Kerbin, but have not landed on any other planets. Everything so far has been extremely trial and error and without a system of calculating what kind of Delta-V I need to have in order to...land that rover on Eve, for example, before I actually get there and experience it, I feel like the only option is to go there and fail a dozen times until I figure out exactly what I need to build. It's a very time consuming process, which, in the end, has always led to me burning myself out. Thanks