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Everything posted by Funkocide

  1. Oh, this is awesome! Is there any reason why the cockpit looks dark gray and very opaque, though? I don't think it looks bad really, just curious; I don't know enough about jet fighters as I probably should. Is it a design choice for the mod specifically or is it meant to reflect a characteristic of real life fourth-generation jet fighter cockpits?
  2. So I noticed the bottom of the new SLS-style liquid boosters seem to have a visible fuel tank. It looks a little off to me, and i usually put something underneath it. Are there any real-life equivalents with a visible fuel tank at the bottom of the booster?
  3. Hey there! I'm Eris (yeah, like the dwarf planet). I've been playing KSP for a couple of months, and browsing the forums too, so I thought it's high time I actually made an account. I'm not really sure what to say about myself, but I'm a big fan of figuring out building techniques that look good and function well, and I really like building spacecraft designed to explore low-gravity bodies. Some of my favorite movies are Moon, Donnie Darko, and Alien, and I co-write and co-created a horror ARG on youtube called CodeRadiazione-- I won't talk about it much here, but if you're curious I'm always happy to give links and info about it. That's about it I think, wish me luck here in the forums!
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