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  1. How did you get both planes off the ground at the same time/ close enough for them both to keep flying while one was not operated
  2. You can no longer get TTs modular wheels, and he won't upload to curse
  3. Hey guys, I built a super live all terrain style rover and on the roof I put an extra "spare" wheels so there was no room for a docking port on the roof. So i decided that I could just put a docking port on the bottom in order to attach it to rockets and other things. If I start with it attached and add a square surface on the bottom the wheels go through the floor (in the editor) once it loads on the runway though the suspension sucks up so that the wheels are on top of the surface and the car is just "lower" to the ground, which I thought was perfect but when I right click and undock it the wheels say sucked up to the frame and the car's suspension won't raise to its normal height. Because of this I can't get it off the platform because it snags on the platform's docking port. I built a raised platform so could park and then dock the car after use to transfer onto another planet. But when I drive over the docking port the vechicle will not suck down to it like it does if it spawns attached. No biggie, I just assumed that the magnetic force between the two ports wasn't strong enough to over come the suspension. So i build another platform that had the docking port on an IR piston so i could raise it up to the vehicle. Drove the the rover over top of it then switch to the platform and extended the port. They wouldn't connect. I'd very much like to find a way to bring my creation to the moon legitimately. Any suggests? can supply pictures if helpful pluto
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