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Flying Beaver

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Everything posted by Flying Beaver

  1. Induced via EVAing a kerbal from a spinning MK1 cockpit.
  2. The STS-7 mission of Jon144's fabulous shuttle Kerlantis, Lofting two Communication satellites into LKO.
  3. The Salyut station and Soyuz are both of my Design. I just used the shuttle to launch the station.
  4. Mission patches for Shuttle flights I have been flying the past few days in KSP, using Jon144's yet to be released Orbiter Replica. Made using Adobe InDesign and PhotoShop. (STS-5B should be Khallenger, not Kerlumbia) Enjoy
  5. Launching my replica of NASA's Space Launch System.
  6. Im working on a diving version currently. And yes its all stock.
  7. Introducing the K Class Sub. Comes with a rest that can be deployed before using HyperEdit to get it into the sea. Weighs 230 Tons. Download Link https://www./?7wz7ze97egvipwi
  8. NASA's SLS Block 1B Background: The Space Launch System (SLS) is a United States Space Shuttle-derived heavy expendable launch vehicle being designed by NASA. The SLS launch vehicle is to be upgraded over time with more powerful versions. Its initial Block 1 version is to lift a payload of 70 metric tons to low Earth orbit (LEO), which will be increased with the debut of Block 1B and the Exploration Upper Stage. Its first flight will be in November 2018. (Wikipedia) My KSP version 60tons to Low Kerbin 50tons to Munar Orbit The boosters are 4X composites of the KD25Ks, to make them closer to the actual thrust of the ex-shuttle 5 segment boosters. DOWNLOAD LINK http://www./download/di3d869bdlt7dt2/SLS_Block_1B.craft With a extra KS-25 engine (aka a Skipper) http://www./download/3fcfwggfb5zj9d5/SLS_Block_1B_5X_KS-25.craft
  9. Hi All The past few hours in KSP i have been building stock "Kowitzers". But I i'm having trobule using them to destroy the spacecenter buildings, even though it seems so easy when you're not trying. I was just about to start some scientific tests to see how much energy is needed, but I would be great I someone knew off the top of there head what the 'magic number' was. Thanks Flying Beaver
  10. NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale mission launch this evening from Florida's KSC, this was the KSP themed conversation between me and Jon144 leading up to and after the launch.
  11. Thanks all for the appreciation. I used a slight texture modification for the parts, but otherwise it's just stock parts. Here are some more pictures: http://imgur.com/a/CLVdh - - - Updated - - - Here is the capsule with no texture mods:
  12. The Griffin | Crew Transport Vehicle The Griffin is a crew transport vehicle inspired by the SpaceX Dragon V2. Like the Dragon V2, the Griffin is capable of powered landings (i.e no parachutes). Launched atop a Falcon 9 V1.1 the Griffin can transfer up to 4 Kerbals from KSC, to a orbital outpost, and back. A short video showing it in action Launch Stack Launched atop a Falcon 9 V1.1 Landing at KSC Download (Still WIP)
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