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Everything posted by VrIgHtEr

  1. SE is about exploring the universe. KSP is not so much about exploration (you can see all the planets in the map view before you ever launch your first rocket), but rather about building a space program. Building your rockets, testing them, launching them, launching space stations and satellites, going to other places in the solar system to gather science, and more. I honestly couldn't care less about the graphics, I actually like KSP's rendering as it is. One thing that would absolutely ruin the game would be the n-body physics simulation. Imagine trying to launch a satellite network (for example, trying to copy gps, launching 24 satellites). With n-body simulation, the orbits will change slightly due to a passing moon or something like that. This coupled with time-warp, would mean that orbits decay quite quickly in game. So you'd have to periodically correct each satellite's orbit manually. Which is fine if you're trying to play a spaceflight simulator, but KSP is really a Space Program Simulator. And you're a single player, a real space program has thousands of employees. N-body simulation would make the game unplayable, imo
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