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    Curious George
  1. You people got me so excited I even left the depths of lurking and made my first post.
  2. Alright, so after having tried everything in my power I cannot figure out how/why my mechjeb broke so I made a forum account specifically to hope you guys can help me out. Mechjeb has always worked fine up until somewhere in the midst of 0.23 it broke for me. And now in 0.235 it’s still broken for me. Let me tell you what I tried before we proceed further with my problem. - reinstalling Kerbal Space program. - reinstalling Mechjeb - Reinstalling kerbalspace program fresh on a different location on my hard drive with a fresh copy of mechjeb, I only edited the config file to allow mechjeb to be used at start together (By editing tech required to = start) with the auto-launch functionally (Using the same editing config tech technique) so I could see if the problem was still there. It was. The reason I installed it on a fresh bit of my hard drive was to see if I somehow managed to tweak some setting in some deep hidden config I never knew about, and to prevent this issue I installed it somewhere fresh. Now, my problem is relatively simple. I build a ship, add the mechjeb to it. Set it to auto launch, auto stage, and I don’t even check the box to prevent it from going faster than is optimal for its height to test this out. Then basically press the go button. Now, the ship launches. So the boosters kick in and the ship takes off, then the boosters run out. Mechjeb stages automatically perfectly. So far everything is smooth sailing. Then it stops, it simply doesn’t up my throttle. My ship thus loses speed and quickly plummet’s back down onto kerbin. And I can’t figure out why. Tell me what logs you need or what screenshots you need and I’ll provide them cause I’m at the end of my rope here.
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