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  1. Thanks guys! These two both seem like good places to learn.
  2. Please give me any links or PDF files or whatever to learning those languages. I know the basics of Java (if statement, loops, class types etc.) but I really would like to know how to code something fun or actually useful. Thanks in advance
  3. Love the pre-release update! Now I can once again use my space shuttle (which I'm so proud with) to add modules to my space station. Who knows, maybe I'll even use the washers Do tighten up the joint connections, they were and are a bit floppy.
  4. Do you have a pre-release compiled version I could use? (I really need hinges ) And also what do the docking washers do? clean up after you dock? da dum tsssshhh
  5. I have a problem: when I turn off my computer, it starts making a high pitch, quiet sound. I've noticed when I charge my phone from a USB port, the sound goes away. The sound is about 10 kHz and it's quiet.
  6. @DisarmingBaton5 Remind me what we learned from that? (I'm quite young)
  7. To be honest I did just kind of simplyfy the Pythagoras theorem. But I was very happy when I got to this result all by myself.
  8. I, after being bored by sitting, decided to revise for my upcoming exams to end the 9th grade. I found an equation. This equation told me how to calculate the diagonal of a square. But there wasn't anything about how to find the diagonal (line connecting two furthest points) of a cube. So I decided to figure it out myself, and this is what I got: diagonal = side * sqrt 3 After comparing the result with the equation for a square (d = side * sqrt 2). I noticed a similiarity. If you think about it, the equation could be written as followed: diagonal = side * sqrt dimension of shape This also is true for dimensions 0 and 1 (in 0 dimension the answer is always 0 and in dimension 1 the diagonal = length of the side). So, my question is, does this work in the higher dimensions? I'm too lazy to think that much (at least for now) and I'll just hope someone else figures it out. Also, has this been discovered already?
  9. am i the only one who is seeing blurred, unreadable text on the image?
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