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    Curious George
  1. Yup! But its much easier with the chute! RCS helps a lot with the rotation to vertical before landing otherwise the control surface dont have enough authority to flip the plane vertical at low speed
  2. What began as a quick experiment with rapier engine ended with a pretty awsome looking craft in a small form factor with very good performance! Felt like sharing it with you guys hope you enjoy! Pilot operating manual: -Full thrust climb vertical to about 100m -30 degres climb -Target of 30km at 1600ms before switching to closed cycle (leaving it on auto works fine) SAS always on. I stole the ion lander design from someone ( i dont remenber who but its an aswome desgin and fit snugly in betwen the vertical stabs. Dont forget to empty the bottom fuel tank before landing because they act as ballast for your payload! craft file : media fire
  3. enjoyed seeing your creation and felt like sharing mine! Pilot operation manual: Take-off: -light up the engine and decouple the rotor -RCS and SAS ON -switch to the rotor -Throtle up between 80 and 100% -Switch back to helicopter. -landging gear up action group 1 Landing: -throtle 75% -use brake in light touch to slow the rotor down this will help you modulate your sink rate. Foward flight is limited to around 18m/s due to the asymetrical lift on the advancing blade wich will induce too much of a roll to control. RCS fuel is very limited so i suggest cheating a little bit and turn on infinite rcs. I hope you guys will have as much as me with it Craft file(mediafire) : http://www./view/z72jbe8pfzcdmb6/helico_mk3_5.craft
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