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Posts posted by Kaezan

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sovek said:

    I've never had crashes in 64bit due to RAM. I don't know how Linux does it but windows will cache RAM data on to an HDD when it runs out of RAM space. I got this alot when I only had 4GB to work with.

    You might be talking about windows pagefile. A space in the hard drive used as slow cache when RAM just cant take it all

  2. I think KSP should be rated PEGI 6 just because of the explosion sounds.


    PEGI 4
    The content of games with this rating is considered suitable for all age groups. Some violence in a comical context (typically forms of violence like the cartoon Bugs Bunny or Tom & Jerry) is acceptable. The children will not be able to associate the character on the screen the real-life characters; They must be totally fanciful characters. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that might scare or frighten young children. It should not be used inappropriate language.

    PEGI 6
    In this age group, children can be exposed to a little more violence. However, this violence has yet to be directed to unrealistic fanciful characters. Any game that would normally be classified as 4, but containing possibly frightening scenes or sounds may be considered suitable in this category.


  3. Jets are funny, but if you go thru the plane tech-branch early game you'll spend precious points that can be used for moon exploration which is way more rewarding. Not saying its not a valid route but one Kerbin biome fully grinded gives you about half of a mimnus biome doing one time experiments.

  4. The idea is, when you want to transfer to a planet/moon that has a higher orbit than the source planet/moon, then your prograde burn to transfer to your destination should be in the same direction and the source planet/moon motion in its orbit.

    Example: transfer from Kerbin to Duna: you have to burn prograde while in LKO in the same direction as Kerbin's orbit around the Sun. - Check the image below


    When you want to transfer to a planet/moon that has a lower orbit than the source planet/moon you are orbiting, then you prograde burn to transfer should be in the opposite direction as the source planet/moon motion in its orbit.

    Example: Transfer from Kerbin to Eve: you have to make your prograde burn to transfer to the opposite way of Kerbin's orbit around the Sun... - Check the image below


    These images taken from http://ksp.olex.biz/

    That is the same as orbits around kerbin. higher orbit - burn prograde, lower orbit - burn retrograde

    in kerbin's SOI, kerbin is the reference

    in planet transfers, the sun is the reference.

    thats why it's called orbital mechanics, cause you use the same concepts as long as you are in a defined orbit.

  5. If you want to do it without MJ you must practice a lot and you can do that in a sandbox game.

    When you're calculating the Dv you need, add another 500 m/s and launch it.

    After 5-10 attempts you will start understanding the mechanics for yourself and you'll make less mistakes

    Tools like MJ, KER, RCSbuildAid and so on, affect your learning curve making you skip important steps in construction and navigation.

    It took me 2 weeks to learn how to dock 2 vessels in orbit but after that i could do it by heart.

    That even helped me in learning how to control a kerbal in EVA cause the basics are the same.

    Again, in KSP practice is the only requirement

  6. raibowtrout i dont understand why you moved it to unmoded installs when he clearly states that its a problem with the kerbal galaxy mod

    ateballgaming if i remember correctly, the kerbal galaxy is a work in progress (WIP) and it has not been released to KSP 1.0.x

    The last version is for the beta 0.90 so problems in the 1.0 are expected. Try to contact the mod developer for an upgrade.

    In the worst case scenario its a dead mod

  7. Creating such a display is problematic because the delta-v depends on how do you operate the rocket. There is at-least Kerbal Engineer mod that will show the delta-v, but last time I checked the values were incorrect when I planned to jettison a used (empty) fuel tanks two by two instead of the whole engine stage at once. Also, an ability to transfer fuel makes it difficult for a software to read your mind.

    Equation to compute a raw delta-v capacity of a rocket is pretty simple:

    dV = ISP * 9.81 * ln (Vessel_Mass_With_Full_Tanks / Vessel_Mass_With_Empty_Tanks)

    You can create a Excel spreadsheet to compute the delta-v with above equation for every stage separately and then sum the results.

    ln() is the natural logarithm. ln(2) = 0.693...

    The way you operate the rocket can be guessed by searching for the fuel lines start and end plus the staging.

    Its obvious that its just a guess but its the best guess you can have.

  8. See Kessler Chaos

    Lol, I did :)

    You can create a few different tiny parts shaped as twisted debris and spawn them as new vessels on collision. The issue with doing debris like this is the effect of so many vessels on game speed. How big an issue? Nobody will know until someone tries it. You can optimise that though: find the maximum number that still runs well and delete the oldest debris to keep that number, only keep one piece of debris per collision and spawn it as a cloud of parts when it enters physics range. There are lots of options there.

    I imagine a horrible situation where a 300 part station meet a cloud of debris..

    Maybe i should wait for x64 ksp and revive this request then

  9. Hi,

    I searched the forum and i found this mod:


    But what i was looking was something that would create small debris from exploding parts and kept them in orbit like small vessels (not necessarily showing up on Comm Center).

    As a more specific situation, imagine you have a station and you mess up a docking. One part (or all) of the station blows up.

    When it blows up it creates small debris in that orbit (or randomly very near).

    Yes this would add realism but i just feel something is missing when 2 vessels shock in orbit.

    "If you find a mod is missing, you could create it" - I would love to, but i dont have enough programing background nor enough time to do it.

    So im asking to any modder who knows how it can be done and has the will to do it, please try making something like this


  10. SRB's do shake a lot. Try using struts.

    If dont feel confident using srb's try starting a new sandbox carrer and try out a little.

    KSP is not only a game of shooting rockets. You must know what you're doing and a part of it is to build-fail-redesign.

    Go to sandbox, pick any srb and add a remote command and a reaction wheels. See how it behaves. now try it with 4 instead of 1. and so on

  11. Hi,

    I may have found a bug with the Administration building's pool

    I dont know if this has already been reported or if it just happens in my computer.

    The Admin building is lvl 2.

    I run some mods but none about textures


    Can someone please confirm if this happens on stock?

    It looks like someone forgot to add texture between the pool and the Admin grounds

  12. It's right at the bottom of the drogues' parachute modules.

    chuteMaxTemp = 2500

    chuteThermalMassPerArea = 0.09

    increase as desired. Defaults are lower than that; those values let drogues open at ~450m/s.

    The main chutes dont have the "chuteThermalMassPerArea" variable. Does the game recognize it?

    And my physics file was stock. i did mess up the values before but i must have made a fress install since then.

    I reach 250m/s @5700-5900 meters altitude. http://prntscr.com/7z7apb

    Im starting to think you really should make a fress install.

  13. I haven't changed anything in physics.cfg. You think the parachute speed is in there?

    I think that it is being calculated based on aero values on-the-go.

    I believe you havent changed anything but i did change and i want to check with both yours and mine.

    This way ill be certain if its being calculated on-the-go and ill be helping you

  14. Well I thought I had found the answer. There is a "safeMult" variable in ModuleParachute, however it only multiplied the indicator (which made it incorrect), the parachutes still rip off at higher speeds despite the indicator saying it was safe.

    Still looking for a way to change that max speed.

    Can you post your physics.cfg content so we compare with ours?

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