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  1. Hi Tiberion, The Heat mechanics are not totaly clear to me. The standart engine LV-T30 got a heat production of 500 at maxthrust from 200. So LV-T30 produces 2.5 heat for 1 thrust. The Omni Bertha from your List got 1500 thrust. 1500 * 2.5 would be 3750 like in your list. Maybe we should take a max heat production level? Or maybe another way for calculating the heat production? Like a droping value table. It would be much flatter if you take 35* root of (thrust) = heat That would give us following values. 35* root of (200 thurst) = 494.975 heat 35* root of (1500 thrust) = 1355.544 heat We should then make some rounding. I think in steps of 50 heat. 494.974heat would be 500 heat 1355.544heat would be 1350heat What do you think of it? Best Regards Boulway
  2. @Killerhurtz, You are absolutly right that the balancing can only be solved if we know how the final version will behave. But i dont think all guys here like to wait so long And it can not hurt to think about the balancing before the final is released. A balanced/normalized MOD can easier be rebalanced if the changes are needed. Perhaps this could also help the devs with completing this great game. @Balancing One aspect in balancing that is not used in game yet is the costs of a part. Maybe it is not bad to think about this while editing the stats. For example if you have a 1x1 diameter tank with really much fuel inside you can also rebalance them with costs recalculations. I can imagine that the KSP-Scientists think of different fuels and better tank materials. Of cause they need to cost more. Same with the engines. A Engine made of junk and an old soldering-iron is much cheaper and more ineffective then a high end engine from kermany ;P. Of course the costs modules are not working now but it could rebalance some parts in the future. Regards Boulway
  3. Hm i was thinking about this Problem yesterday evening without knowing about your Thread. I use several Mods together and its really pain that its so unbalanced between each other. I made a small list to show the problem. (I divided Max Thrust / Consumption) KSP Vanilla LV-T30 25 KSP Vanilla LV-T45 25 C7 C7AX-301 25 Saturn V Medium Bertha 18,51851852 Saturn V TG-175 29,16666667 Saturn V Lander Module 60 It would be great if there would be a balancing for the mods or if the modders dont want it maybe a converting tool. So you choose for example that liquid engines have max thrust / consumption = 25 (like in vanilla modules). You let the max thrust form the mod and alternate the consumption ratio so that you got a Thrust/Consumption of 25. I think a converting tool could look up the parts and normalize them in the way you want. My programming skills are sadly to weak for such a converter. I only can hardly write C for Atmega MCUs. But if you need some help feel free to give me something to do Regards, Boulway
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