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Everything posted by DJKlitz

  1. Awesome thank you. I'll test this out tomorrow. No mods, I just want the new 0.23.5 parts. I like to keep everything stock, but it kept bumming me out when I'd spend a few hours building somethign only to find out something I used was illegal in the middle of my ship. I really didnt feel like adding the parts manually. I'll try that out though. Thanks again!
  2. is there a reason why none of the 0.23.5 parts are whitelisted yet on the dev version or am I doing something wrong. Every time I try to use the new engines etc it says unauthorized or illegal part or whatever. Do I need to manually add these?
  3. install the stuff from spaceport as is, then go to godarklight's signature and get the KMPUpdater.exe. Rename it to KMPUpdater-development.exe and place it in BOTH your server file and the file with KSP.exe. Run them BOTH to update both the client and the server and it should update everything to dev version. Probably easiest way to do it if you already have spaceport stuff installed and running.
  4. it's rather funny actually. for instance I just sync'ed to the future after landing on the mun and about 7 jebediah's popped out of my lander. Gotta bring a freighter to rescue them all... or just terminate them. They're just clones.
  5. I'm having an issue where everytime i come out of warp, i seem to clone every kerbal inside my ship... I'm beginning to have a Bill Kerman "Asteroid" belt. I should also say this is on the development build. The easiest way that I found to "reset" the server is just delete the universe file in your kmp server folder. Of course back it up first.
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