Before you start reading this, I must notice several things: 1. I've read "Already suggested" and "Do not suggest" lists 2. I apologise for my English, hope it's not so terrible afterall 3. I'm not a programmist myself,but I know how impossible can it be --- So. Let's begin. As you noticed in the title,I'm here to suggest theoretical idea about the co-op play mode. The hole thing is...There will be a guy who can Host a server up to 4 players that'll start the game on the same planet Kerbis but scattered away from eachother. (The hole Idea is that every player will have his own space center thingy) --- Now lets talk about pros and cones of this idea: (just to not make it boring and give more creativity to developers to make it their own way) Pros: + Fun to play with friends: *Share unlocked technologies *Share research points *Share money *Send created vessels as a gifts + Unique technologies for each player (Maybe?) + Strategical paths and plans\tasks for everyone: + Teamwork: * One is making orbital station while other one supports him with details\money * Other guys can dock this station to recharge\refuel\send their researches back onto planet + Communication: * Well...You know. Roleplay and stuff. Cones: - Time: * Static for everyone\Maximum speed of 4\Voting for speed up - Cooperative itself: * Changing the gamecode to add stuff into it is pain in the brain. - Server part: * Host disconnection\lags\desync\many other issues. --- And that concludes my suggestion. Also - suggesting to check the link,someone already made a mod out of it --- Thank you for reading.