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  1. Yup, on the mac version I get the dreaded beachball of death
  2. It might be that the height values, or coordinates or something are overflowing, which makes them point to somewhere else. It\'s the only thing that seems a somewhat logical explanation for the bug. But yeah, one of the devs will prolly be able to answer with more certainty. I hope you\'ll be able to fix it, and are learning and having fun at the same time
  3. I think it is necessary actually. Doing it by yourself, and knowing you ARE actually scanning the Mun, Kerbin or other planets, and that the data you have is actually generated from your satellites adds a level of accomplishment and excitement which you don\'t get from the generic: 'Orbit 3 times around the Mun at 5000m, 7500m and 10000m'. But that\'s my view on it anyway
  4. I\'ve done some passes around the equator and with a 30-35 degree inclination. This is a really cool project, let\'s hope you can get the scanning beam implemented soon.
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