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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yes I see the problem. Things started to get out of control too early. It's easier to catch a new asteroid
  2. I'm also pulling those asteroids so far. But this is taking forever. I need to put that 2700t asteroid in a 90° orbit. Any advice is welcome! 2500m/s to go....
  3. I present you the Rhino MkII Built for lifting 20t into orbit. Once in orbit, you should have about 1500 to 2000 delta v / m/s left. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zr82nbpomojj0d9/Rhino%20MkII.craft Action groups: 1: 4x TurboJet Engine 2: 4x TurboJet Engine 3: 4x Atomic Rocket
  4. I'd like to show you my KSS. In the meantime it is assembled in about 10 launches, some parts came into orbit with rockets and some others with ssto's. The station is not a beauty, but it is very modular and fulfills all the needs of a space station.
  5. Very interesting design SufficientAnonymity... jebediah will fly it, no question! I'm also working on a new design. It's called the Rhino. I tested it with 21t payload. I think it can lift more, The problem is only the center of mass. Without payload it's flying very nicely and it's also easy to control. By the way, if anyone is interested in any craft files of my planes, let me know.
  6. I present you my "little" cargo SSTO. Up to 5t and 4 additional kerbals to kerbin orbit. Excellent for resupply space stations. It is using the new R.A.P.I.E.R. engines.
  7. Hi folks, I spent some time building stuff in this awesome game and thought that I could show you my SSTO's creations. At the moment I have three functional SSTO's. They can not carry cargo to orbit. At least I haven't tested that. They were just build for the transportation of kerbals. The first one is a little and very efficient ssto with 3 turbo jet engines and 2 atomic rockets. The second one is a bit bigger and with 4 jet engines and 4 aerospikes it has a lot of thrust. The last one is not 100% finished but already working very nicely. With the 2 atomic rocket it is much more efficient than the second one.
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