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David H

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Everything posted by David H

  1. Its not just about the output file or the toolbar. Its that not everyone is a not coder either. I don't know what the output file does. I just learned yesterday the if theres a problem. Copy Paste. and you can see it. Not everyone knows to make sure that they have the updated version or where to find it. Updated for 0.23 with Techtree! Download here! https://github.com/sirkut/InfernalRo...Industries.zip *************** You need will also need the updated toolbar as well. Get it here. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60863 Just like with yours. Just keep it simple for us that don't get.
  2. I understand that some mods include the folder named gamedata. That make it easy. Copy folder here. Just like yours. It has a gamedata folder. However. You have 000 inside your gamdata folder. Have to remember that some don't know how a computer works. Yet they still use them to play a few games and play on the internet. You want me to move this gamedata folder over to ksp/. Ok can do that. Take this one for example. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/dock-align-indicator/ So I create a folder I want to store this in. http://imgur.com/vVNoZTD Then I see the gamedata folder. Copy it into kerbal space program/ Ok. Lets go test this out. What the. Somethings wrong. Reload. Hmm. Delete out the last mod. Works fine. This mods made my toolbar not work. Ok. So that mod doesn't work. Go to the forums and have the creator spending to much time on this because the toolbar is not his thing. Now you have the creator of this item working on it to. He/She thinks its the others problem. An issue that had a simple solution. You have the old toolbar in there. http://imgur.com/OYm1OpU You need to get the new one. http://imgur.com/H2JrtKm I just updated the toolbar yesterday. Now I'm frustrated. Your right about that. If the person only has one mod. However. This is rocket science and 99% of the world has no idea what how to figure it out. I got into trig in highschool. Yet I don't remember how to figure the cos sin tan and A2+B2=C2 and all the other math needed. I like the game idea, but its a game. It shouldn't be homework. What would make this easier. Mechjeb. Ok lets get that. Man. Docking is difficult. I give up. No. Get navball and this and that. Ok. What else. My ships are to tall and wide. They fall over while in flight. Get the magicsmoke ir. Now I can get that solar array up. and its one after another. Either for realism or to just make things easier. - - - Updated - - - . . . . . . Now I understand that some know about computers and even less know about rocket science. I've mentioned that before this game I would have just played the game as is before downloading a mod. Yet this has to be the most complicated game I've ever played. Yet its got a sense of realism, but still has the fantasy factor. This game is only limited to my imagination (and the tools provided.) I started doing a search for the game on the internet and youtube. I don't know how many videos I've watched. Then I found the forums. Countless hrs of searching and reading to go through. (Side note. Every search I do. Does not direct me directly to what I'm looking for) Now only that I have been so careful at installing mods. Reading through every folder making sure I'm not copying a folder I already have. (If so. Checking to make sure its just an update and not erasing what I needed over there. I had to go through so many different mod instructions, videos, forums before I could trust myself to install it correctly. Now that I have done it a few times. I feel confident that as long as you make it as simple as copy here. Paste here. I'll be fine. If you need me to add XYZ to make it work. Point me to it. Copy here. Paste here. I'll be good. So anywho. What about those that don't know to check to see if downloading your mod. That requires an additional mod to work right. Even though you have it in your install. Is it the most current version. What happens if I like yours so much and it worked perfectly. I had to get another. I download the next and remember. Copy and paste and that all I do. I just made your mod fail due to overwriting the toolbar with an older version. I get that he/she it make it so it checks for the new version when I click the button. What if the version I've got was even before that or it was something else that was written over. Some part, display or anything. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55401-Community-Mods-and-Plugins-Library http://imgur.com/loV1JCT http://imgur.com/QVhtDEV http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55401-Community-Mods-and-Plugins-Library http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60863
  3. but its in your game data folder. Before playing this game I wouldn't bother looking at something if it said I had to download and modify the program to make it perform differently. Make it simple for us non programers. Put this folder here. Ex. copy Gamedata folder to gamedata folder. I don't think about it. A week ago I would just coy folder over and if it screwed up. Reboot and don't do that again. Easy way for us would be to copy Gamedata/magicsmoke over. Hey you need 000_toolbar also to operate. Download here. http......
  4. It works now. I thought it was something simple. ... Don't think rocket science for it all. K.I.S.S.
  5. So now since you have 000_toolbar in your folder. IS that going to mess up the working of the toolbar since I already have the toolbar in another location. I got it direct from the addon store. Having it in 2 locations fighting each other. Maybe atleast slowing things down seeing as its trying to pull from 2 locations.
  6. Not lazy. Just don't get it. We're not all rocket scientist. Although I bet you can't answer 2+2 without factoring it out the delta V required to think about it. Ha
  7. Doesn't work. When you right click you get Open in new tab open in new window open in private window bookmark and so on. You could try save link as. IT will put it in you downloads. Try to open and Can not open file with a big red X
  8. I got nothing too. Would be easier if they just put it on the add on store and gave us a link there.
  9. I can't download it from there. I click around and all it will do is open to a new page. I don't know what I'm doing on there. I don't get what your confused about. Its not added to the game. ****** Notice the file path. ****** I didn't want you thinking that the magicsmoke folder was in that location. The one that says game data. I put the mods on my computer. Just in the computer. Not in ksp. Then I move them one at a time over to ksp. Helps me keep track. In case I have to wipe ksp like I've done 4-5 X's. Also on the pic. I wrote "NOT ADDED" because it really is not added and is of no importance. It doesn't work anyways. http://imgur.com/a/vcSj0
  10. Open that album again. Where is the new magicsmoke not on github?
  11. Hmmm. Just supposed to come up. Not working for me. Loading the game now. I'll play around in a minute
  12. I thought it was just that I wasn't doing something right. Is there a step by step guide to test the servos on the launch pad?
  13. http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog <a href=http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog><img src=http://www.filedropper.com/download_button.png width=127 height=145 border=0/></a><br /><div style=font-size:9px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;width:127px;font-color:#44a854;> <a href=http://www.filedropper.com >File Hosting Online Storage Backup</a></div> Try this. While your there. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/9923-0-23-5-Lazor-System-v33-%28April-17%29?p=1105311#post1105311
  14. http://pastebin.com/5VefqUwT http://pastebin.com/CwBWTndU http://pastebin.com/dpBFsgxH http://pastebin.com/9Hpw1J6J http://pastebin.com/yYnzXGFi http://pastebin.com/u0PrWMFs http://pastebin.com/4zLTtTcp http://pastebin.com/YyeNtjjs http://pastebin.com/qyTg3LN1
  15. Any particular area to look for. I can't load the whole thing at once and I lost track I where I was at
  16. No. I have a new version of the toolbar. Not the issue. Just a hey heads up thing. I've noticed other mods like that. They get you to download 2 mods when you only want 1. I can't remember what it was. I just know I didn't download it because of that. Beside the point. I don't see the servo control when on launch in flight anywhere outside. Oh read your post again. Log file? in toolbar or ir. I have the file. Thats the easy part. How to find and post? I can run a computer better than some and worse than others but normally when I see download and modify this. I shut the window. KSP/Gamedata/???
  17. Cant find the thread for the lazor docking so I'll post here. When installed. Click on sidebar to open mechjeb in vab to see stats. The tool bar moves as normal. However there are no menus to select. Same when about to launch. Also makes ksp freeze every few minutes. I had a few mods installed at same time. I couldn't figure out which one was doing what so wiped ksp folder and started over one by one. Narrowed it down to http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/lazor-docking-cam/ When I go to dock. I see the docking window bottom left. Yet no pic of what I'm looking at. Standalone version of the docking cam *****that already comes***** with Lazor System. So I shouldn't have to do anything else. Right? Also have the robotic arm pack. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/robotic-arms-pack/ Install tab says Place the contents of the Romfarer_LazorDockingCam... folder in your KSP root folder. Read me.notepad Put everything in this folder into KSP_win, and replace any conflicts. Don't have a ksp_win folder. I guessed he meant to merge game data with game data. Parts are not in game.
  18. Yes. and clicked the ir button. Side note. Whoever made the 00_toolbar should disable it being downloaded in different mods. OR Update all mods with the newest version. This mod comes with 1.4.4, 2014-01-27 - Fixed a bug where the toolbar would get completely invisible under certain circumstances. I found a new version somewhere else.
  19. I don't see the servo control when on launch in flight anywhere outside
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