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  1. Hiya all. I recently noticed a problem that I *thought* was due to several mods I installed a day or so ago, but the problem looks to be with RT, and there all along. I was on the launchpad and tried to send some science, but the transmission was instant, and didn't yield any type of science for it (and the data collected was cleared). The communication was apparently was being sent through the launch clamp but never got through. I spent time tonight deleting the several mods that I installed, and I had the same behavior. It wasn't until I looked at the RT .cfg files that I realized what is happening. Here is a screenshot of the debug after tying to send some science back: I believe it may have been like this all along, because I am pretty sure now all of the science I have transmitted from the launchpad was without using the clamps (I usually just strapped a new science part on a mk1 capsule sitting on the launchpad itself and then did the science that way and then did a quick recovery). What I think is happening: Although the clamps are fitted with an "antenna" in the .cfg file: @PART[launchClamp1]:FOR[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %OmniRange = 5000 } } There is no associated transmitter parameter. So when it tries to transmit, but there is no parameter there it gets sent to nowhere, and the data is cleaned out. I was able to fix this by inserting a random parameter: @PART[launchClamp1]:FOR[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %OmniRange = 5000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.15 %PacketSize = 3 %PacketResourceCost = 0.1 } } } Science is now sent and credited accordingly.
  2. I was checking phase angles on some satellites In my remote tech network and it seems like the phase angle readouts on the latest version (1.0.6) seem to be wrong. I also was checking the phase angles for setting up future launch windows and the phase angles didn't agree with what kerbal alarm clock was giving. Here are some of the phase angles that KER was giving me for the same reference satellite in my network. Also note that the distance parameter isn't returning a distance value either.
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