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    Curious George
  1. I would assume a negligible amount? I only have one array transmitting power from about 4.5 mil km solar orbit. Is there a minimum amount of MJ needed until the thruster starts working period? I only have 180 MJ as that was all that was in the transceivers.
  2. Hopefully this is the right place to ask this. I am trying to get a plasma thruster working. I have a set of solar panels orbiting the sun with a large transceiver transmitting. The transceiver on my vehicle is set to receive and I have full MJs according to my resources. However, whenever I try to throttle up the plasma thruster, it will glow, but I get no thrust whatsover; no resources are even being consumed. Same problem when using monopropellent or quantum vacuum. I'm at a loss as to what the problem might be. Am I just doing something completely wrong and forgetting a crucial piece? Any ideas?
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