This is the first time I've ever looked at a math problem and thought, "Wow I can't wait to get into that!" I saw the calculator page too and thought that was well done, but I kind of want to do the math for myself for some reason even though I'm pretty rusty. If math was taught to me in terms of tantalizing rockets blasting and gravity wells and just generally trippy stuff instead of how many rocks are left over I might have taken more of an interest in math's potential. I love the Kerbal Space Program! I can't even really understand why except that I love how gravity becomes your best friend and your worst enemy at the same time and the energy required to have "free will" is enormous. After growing up with Star Trek I really appreciate the stark reality of the 'real' problems of space travel rather than dealing with subspace interference messing up magic crystals. I think there should be more emphasis on telling stories of the huge seemingly impossible mountain that must be climbed for travel within the solar system to become practical rather than on aliens with tight asses because you're only horny sometimes but gravity is forever. Also one story is easier to tell than the other, but the other is more spiritually rewarding in the end.