Item #: SCP-2462 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2462 is contained in a humanoid-containment cell measuring 10m x 12m. The room currently contains: One twin sized wooden bed. One light green bed set. One wardrobe with 7 drawers containing SCP-2462-A's preferred clothing. One bookshelf containing books requested by SCP-2462-A. One bean-bag chair. One desk and desk chair. The computer containing SCP-2462-B. SCP-2462-A may request additional items, and those requests must be approved by a staff member with level 4 clearance or higher. SCP-2462-A is perfectly happy to remain anonymous, and has been granted monitored internet access. Should SCP-2462-A wish to post or upload something, a level 4 staff member will review it before it is allowed or denied. To date, no content SCP-2462-A has created has been denied. Addendum: Following the incident of July ██, 20██, a level 5 officer must review anything SCP-2462-A creates. Description: SCP-2462 consists of SCP-2462-A and SCP-2462-B. SCP-2462-A has requested that minimal details be recorded on the public files. SCP-2462-A is a male of possible Hungarian descent. SCP-2462-A prefers to be referred to as "Danny" and personnel interacting with SCP-2462-A are encouraged to do so. A more detailed description of SCP-2462-A is available to level 3 personnel or higher. SCP-2462-B exists within a copy of the game "Kerbal Space Program" that has a couple of publicly available mods applied to it. SCP-2462-B is sentient, and likes to interact with SCP-2462-A. SCP-2462-A usually refers to 2462-B as "The Kraken" or simply "Kraken." SCP-2462-B will occasionally mess around with 2462-A's creations in the game to amuse itself. SCP-2462-B becomes angry if someone other than 2462-A plays the game it is in, and will make it impossible for whoever is playing to do anything, usually by glitching the game to the point of crashing. It has been observed that when SCP-2462-A and 2462-B interact with each other, the physical world may be affected. It is usually nothing more than a temporary minor distortion of nearby objects, but more severe events have occurred. These effects do not appear to be voluntary from either of them. Should SCP-2462-A be denied access to 2462-B, it will become angry. If access is continuously denied, SCP-2462-A will use its reality distorting properties at will in a violent manner until access is granted again. Addendum: Following the incident on July ██, 20██, SCP-2462-B is to be connected to a power network completely separate from the rest of the facility. "I can't believe that it was able to do that to the entire facility just by spinning a command pod..." -Dr. █████