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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I tried this. Crashed after two launches
  2. Does anyone know how to make oceans on planets? I cant seem to get mine to work
  3. Thanks! It worked when i changed from kerbol to sun. I also didn't encounter any inclination issues. Also does anyone know how to make oceans that work?
  4. My "star" is the planet im making. The name is in the .system and i have it selected on the load screen, but it never appears. Would there be anything wrong with my orbit settings? Orbit { inclination = 0.0 eccentricity = 0.0 semiMajorAxis = 2000000000 LAN = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 referenceBody = Kerbol }
  5. I reapplied the the new high res textures and got this. https://imgur.com/a/CiT43 Going work on water some more when i have the time Thanks samio!
  6. I put the textures for cite on to one of the planets from planet factory. I then put a height map and made a normal map from it. I got this in the end https://imgur.com/a/BwZ3m Could i get some higher res PNGs of the height and texture maps? It would make the terrain look alot better. Thanks
  7. I need some help. I try to load my single planet using the proper .system and a bin from one of the planets that came with the mod but my planet does not appear. What im i doing wrong? thanks
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