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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well there were two stages that left the Earths SOI. The first was the upper Centaur stage which helped the probe reach Earths escape velocity. This Centaur stage is now in a heliocentric orbit that reaches as far out as the asteroid belt. The final stage besides the probe itself was a solid booster known as a kicker. This kicker is what helped the probe reach escape velocity of the solar system before it was separated. This kicker should be coasting out of the solar system never to return.
  2. The injection stage was jettisoned on the way to Jupiter , it will coast into interstellar space just like the probe itself.
  3. What you did is called a Direct Injection. Which is exactly what new horizons did on its way to Jupiter for a gravity assist. In theory direct injections should be more efficient (not by much) than going into a parking orbit. However , you must be very accurate with it.
  4. Is the content overtly offensive? Not to me, and not to many. Will anyone ever see this hidden message? Under normal circumstances no. Is it unprofessional? Absolutely it is. I know I wouldn't want my name associated with that work. But then again it's not mine.
  5. Was preforming a standard re entry after returning from The Mun, and it just so happened there was a nice solar eclipse in view as I was re entering the atmosphere.
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