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  1. Can't remember if it was with the M16 Parachute or not, but the other day in 0.23 I noticed a glitch in the lighting of the parachute cords where there would be a solid shadow covering half of the area inside the cords that would change as I rotated my view. Hard to describe visually, I know. I wish I'd have gotten a screenshot of it.
  2. You'll be happy to know that I tried a fresh installation sans mods and it worked like a charm. No more random deaths at 14km. I had a feeling it had something to do with the thinning atmosphere and life support systems, but as far as I knew, there were no life support systems to speak of. It hadn't occurred to me that it might be the Soviet Pack, because I've been using it since 0.22. Guess there was some fundamental change to 0.23.5 that caused this. Gonna try installing MJ now, though I don't think that should cause any problems now. Thanks for the help, guys.
  3. Ever since I switched to 0.23.5 during ascent, my Kerbals invariably die at 14,000 Meters. The only mods I'm using are [0.22.x]Soviet Pack 2,0,0 and [0.23.5] MechJeb 2.2. The ship doesn't explode or anything like that. I'll just be going through the liftoff as usual and every time at exactly 14,000 Meters, the icon for my Kerbal in the lower right of the screen just disappears. The ship itself remains fully intact and still functions, but I obviously can't do any EVAs or anything that requires a Kerbal. This problem happens no matter what ship design I use, even if I use a stock ship. I poked around the forums a bit and could only find one other thread about this, which went unresolved. The general consensus was that the Deadly reentry mod was the only thing that could cause this, but I've never used that particular mod before.
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