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Bottle Rocketeer
Same thing, different parts, your point? Your the only one that said I was mad, I don't get mad but thank you for your concern, if you don't mind please don't post any more. Also, a sandbox game is all about getting a sense of achievement. If you want something more, wait until Budget and reputation is added in 0.24. One more thing: your attitude to other forum members is horrendous! How dare you belittle these people and insult them? Doing this will merely turn them more and more against you. Attacking someone who gave their opinion (which they are entitled to have) and even supported your motion will simply make them go against you. Its not the fact that it will be added, its How its going to be add, though mods, once again another person that doesn't understand that it should be in the base game to make it have more depth to the game instead of just being about building a rocket, getting to a planet and gaining science. Aye what I should have typed in was "The lack of planned features and the lack of the devs making the game more then just about building rockets and getting science" That still doesn't apply to what I am saying, What will multiplayer do to make the game more interesting, Find ways to screw over your friends for a couple of hours? Then what? no joint missions to the mun to build a refuleing station, or even a mission to get a mining base up and running on another planet to send it back to kerbin for building parts, No just more rocket building... and more and more.... oh look a mission? oh lets just launch another rocket like we have already done one billion times before, because its not the same thing over and over! Once again I am NOT complaining, I AM merely stating my openion and wanted others opinions not to be harassed and called a cry baby and be called mad when I am clearly not. Again not complaining or am mad, I know quite a bit more about the game then you think, I'd be happy if you didn't go around assuming anything about me, Thanks, Also if you don't have anything more to do then to try and point out what I am not then please don't post. This has all become pointless, The only one that seems to have even tried to understand anything is Baythan, Thank you for that Baythan. Either way it has been a head ack and I wish everyone luck as well as the devs and hope that they can at lest do what they stated on they're website.
I have much more of a list, this was just to set things off, as for the "Gripe-fest" no not at all. Frankly the part you said "and those things in your OP that have been shelved by the devs can be put in using mods." again another person that fails to understand anything other then they're point of view, please if you are not going to understand what the whole conversation is about then please, don't post. Pretty shallow and lacking of a game if that is all it is and is going to be, Also on another note this is taken from the main website it self. "KSP is a game where the players create and manage their own space program. Build spacecraft, fly them, and try to help the Kerbals to fulfill their ultimate mission of conquering space." Conquering space? how is one to do that if you do nothing but explore. And yet every where I go, no one understands my point of view, please add that maybe before pressing the summit button they should read and re-read the post to fully understand it instead of skimming over it and then posting a quick though on the matter, Thank you. There are simpler ways of adding space stations then building the whole thing and launching it into space or part by part, Frankly you could have it where you build the core space station in a hanger, then launch a construction platform into space that when you add parts to it, slowly builds it into one part instead of many different parts, then you can add "Wings" to the core station via docking ports or attachment points and thus have a fully functional station in orbit with out the perforce issues of large amounts of parts. Having the part unlocked in one thing, getting the resources needed to build the parts is another thing, This is one point that no one seems to understand. The rockets are the means to a end, But if this game is only about exploring then it is very pointless, As I said before I can easily go play a free game to get what this game offers and has planed to offer. Yes but the name says it all, I know what to expect with that game, This is called Kerbal Space program, Where all you do is build rockets and explore, Please if your not going to understand the full post, don't post at all, Thank you.
With no Restrictions the game is to easy, Even if they add Missions and contacts, the game will still be way to easy, will be the same boring stuff over and over and over, where is the diversity? I have but even they don't add what I personally would like to have in this game, Kethane is great and all but all you do is use it for fuel, I'd rather have metals and silicon and refinery buildings to build my own parts. and the main fault in your stupidity is that I said I know that and that I read the To be planed and the other stuff and found it lacking, not that the current version is lacking, I know its being developed, people like you need to READ IT ALL and understand it ALL. I don't need the game to tell me what to do, I NEED more options, not just building rockets and exploring, That gets boring quickly, You know I am starting to think that all of you are very simple and closed minded and don't know how to read and understand -.- Again another person that fails to understand anything! I am seriously starting to have doubt in gamers now a days, Most seem to be minute gamers and not the true gamers that the gamer title held, I know the game is in development, I know features are still being added, I know already so stop posting it, What This whole discussion has been about is the LACK OF FEATURES that the developers have left to the modding community and will not be putting into the game.
So all this topic has shown me is that this is a 2 bit game for people who just want to mess around and have no real sense of achievement, I have read all the posts and the Wiki, Frankly its not very impressive if its not hard to do and frankly I find this game very lacking in difficulty and/or scale, I know the game is still being developed but I posted after reading the 3 lists together and it gave me the impression they didn't want to take the time to do it and leave it to others to make they're game funner. Frankly with resources it would make it where you can build your own parts instead of having to buy them it would add more death to game instead of oh this works and this doesn't. Even if it is a sandbox game, the achievements should be harder to achieve other wise they are worthless and not so grand. Then you don't know anything about running a space program, its one thing to just order some parts, it would add more depth to the game to have it where you have to worry about resources for them parts or maybe some materials are to hard to get for the better parts and need mining on other planets and such to do so. r I have played the game for almost 200 hours now, I am bored to death of it doing the same thing over and over with no real sense of achievement, The "steady and contentious stream of science" isn't for easy science, I already found a way to instantly get 500 or so science near the begging of the career mode so its easy for me, I was more along the lines talking about satellites that observe galaxies and such like in real life for a small amount of science and such, most of the data collected is from satellites and the space station. I mean if your going to make a sandbox simulator at lest add some real aspects to the game, there needs to be more challenge, more things to do other then just launching rockets and exploring, I could of easily went and played a free game to do the same thing this game offers.
After long hours of ironing out a suggestion I thought of while playing KSP, I came here and read the rules like I always do, Then I read the "What not to suggest?" and "Already suggested List" and I started to think, What I thought about whas that this game has quite a bit of potential to be better then what it is, Then I read the What not to suggest fourm and see how many things are left to the modders to do and think, Well now it seems like there are so many games out there that have potenial but then fall short or leave it to the community to either put in features they want or would like to see added, Most of these features I think personally should be added to the base game by the developers, So many developers today make a half reared game and then leave it to the consumers to do the rest of it. Don't get me wrong, the game is great as it is, but in my opinion I think it is also lacking, One all you do is launch rockets into space, sure you can set up a base on other planets and such but then what? Nothing its purely for the feeling of achieving it, Frankly if this is all the game will ever be then I personally would of rather gone and bought 15 1 dollar games on a iphone or something and I would of gotten more satisfaction out of it then this game. So this is why I started this thread, Do any of you feel the same way, If so please post here what features you think the base game should have. My personal list is as followed. Career Mode: Should be more then just gathering research, a budget or resources should be implemented. Your space center shouldn't start with everything, If a budget is implemented one should have to spend cash to upgrade it, Unlocking different parts or part tiers. If resources are implemented then one would have to buy them at the start, this would also allow for buildings to be build that would allow you to go and gather your own resources and make your own parts. Space: Orbital structure should be in the base game, whats the point of just sending rockets into space, The games replay-ability gets stale quickly. With orbital structure one could station a science team up there and allow a steady and contentious stream of science coming in, Tho small as they are only observing other galaxies, stars, nebula and such. As far as I can tell the base game is going to be very stale and makes me wish I wouldn't of bought the game, specially after seeing what is all to be left up to modders, made me lose all respect for this game and its makers.