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Posts posted by Acemcbean

  1. I know I've said (something like) this before, but Universal Storage and Atomic Age both are uninstallable on CKAN due to the fact that both of them list "Community Tech Tree" as a dependency. Though both of them list it as a dependency, it really isnt, but CKAN doesnt know this and therefore when you try to install them with Engineering Tech Tree, well.. you get what would happen :P Basically, what I am saying is that you should list something in the OP referring to this issue so that people know they must manually download Atmoic Age and Universal Storage if they want to use those mods.

    EDIT: Oh, and also, I am finally getting back into this awesome mod! Yaaay!

  2. Well, just from a quick look, it appears that Universal Storage has some kind of dependency on Community Tech Tree. Will see if US will run without CTT, but would also like to update on my Kerbin Circumnavigation!

    At this point, I have given up on the notion that I have enough fuel to actually circumnavigate, though I may as well keep the title. The mission has been changed to a trip to the North Pole, and I am about 1/4 of the way there.

    This is the Iron 7 Bi-Plane, Piloted by Bill Kerman

    This was Bill showing off at the end of Day 1, and I would like to remind him off his adventures clipping into the wing

    Well, that was the results of Day 1. Off to begin Day 2 shortly!

    EDIT: It also appears that Atomic Age depends on CTT.

    EDIT: EDIT: Yep, CTT was the problem. The Tech Tree is all SQUEAKY clean now! Thanks so much for the help, Probus! Rep for you!!

  3. Okay, I got you the screenshots you asked for.

    Aviation Node is Overlapping

    Stability Node is Overlapping

    Advanced Exploration is being covered up by a large amount of lines

    Mysteriously, I could unlock this node from the beginning (Part of Intersteller, so it is empty for me)

    Fuel Systems Node partially overlaps two other nodes

    I hope this helps you see what I am seeing and begin to fix these bugs! It was heard to screenshot pictures of nodes that were seperated in weird ways, but I do recall that the "Robotics" node in the top left corner is connected to Actuators and Experimental Sciences, both of which are a good distance away.

    P.S. Am currently on a Self-Imposed challenge of Circumnavigating Kerbin through a Polar Course via Bi-plane. I doubt I will make it, but I'm already a good ways in and even at its worst, I can still technically DRIVE the plane there ;)

    EDIT: I had just loaded up KSP, and I think my save file got corrupted due to a Satan Kraken creating a bunch of NaN errors. Will try again later, but this is just a quick peek at the results

  4. Oh, thank you very much! I have an extra, fresh install ready to test with! I'll get a screenshot for you soon, too.

    EDIT: Oh, and by the way, though it would be helpful to have a few more KWright parts in the start node, it is technically un-needed. I went for realism, trying to ONLY get science from flights without just plopping a command pod down. All in all, the tech tree is fully functional, and ATM, I would love to have more tooltips and Mod-Specific nodes. A lot of nodes that I can clearly tell to be for Interstellar (like fusion reactors, Exotic Matter storage) do not have any such tooltip.

  5. I've had some real problems with the tech tree. I'm sure its all visual, but the nodes arent dispersed properly (I think). Many of the nodes overlap, are spread out over ridiculous distances, and/or are empty. The last issue is not really a "bug," but rather me not having a mod installed (Interstellar, I think). Lastly, I was only able to start flying through some SRB trickery and pure luck, and I suggest maybe adding a propellor to the very first node instead of the second. All in all, though, everything is technically "Functional" and the only problems I have right now are aesthetic or balance-related.

    EDIT: Oh, and I would like to add that I am playing in the "Science" mode, as I usually all but ignore funds in the normal Career. Not sure if that is the source of any issues, but thought it would be good for you to know!

  6. Saying that your Gamedata folder is just about 900mb means nothing. What matters is your in-game RAM usage. Basically, looking at how many mods you have, my computer would come PRETTY close to crashing if I do say so myself. THe only thing I cant wrap my head around if why it is freezing, not crashing. In all honesty, its just probably taking a while to load all the assets, so I'd just say "suck it up" until it starts crashing.

  7. cicatrix, you know what to do then. Do it Apollo, with multiple passes at high altitudes. Multiple passes means you should have a rather high Periapsis over Laythe, and since I don't know EXACTLY where the atmosphere ends there, just go with like 55km maybe? Let it pass two or 3 times, or, if you get lucky, 55 COULD be a sweet spot for whatever you are doing

  8. Welcome aboard! By the way, I highly recommend heading to Eve with a probe. In fact, you should be sending probes to each and every planet to figure out some of the quirks with the astronomical bodies on your own! I know Duna was quite a surprise for me when I went there with the whole "There isn't really an atmosphere until about 25km" thing.

  9. Has anyone ever told you how amazing of a storyteller you are? Because how you told this story right here was AMAZING. I was literally glued to the story. How you write actually invests the reader in the story. I feel like I want to know more about what is going on, and I see no reason to stop writing these anytime soon ;)

    As a sign of how unbelievably incredible these stories are, take some rep!

  10. Honestly, Macey Dean was the reason I even got KSP. I had literally never heard of it until I stumbled across one of his videos showcasing his awesome battles, and I have loved that stuff since! Macey, welcome back!

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