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A Space Ostrich

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Everything posted by A Space Ostrich

  1. I've got a bug wherein I cannot select any of the hangars. Apparently some other people have had it as well but I've traced it to Texture Replacer, shame too cause it looks gorgeous. Anyone else have that problem? Cause I get the feeling I done goofed at some point.
  2. I'm looking for a part mod similar to the critter crawler part that adds some giant robot legs that can actually walk. Either by faking it with "wheels" or through some other method.
  3. Figured I'd throw my hat into the ring. Included both a 3D and textured version, as 3D hair may not be on the table and I thought it might be interesting to see what that "do" would look like if it was flat.
  4. Ah cool, that's fine then. The satellite network is coming along alright, though a recent quickloading after a crash resulted in some invisible parachutes that I had to quickly debug menu to sort out, I'm tempted to just switch over to Sandbox mode for this, given how large I plan on making some of the bigger things. That or send out a Jool tour probe as soon as I can.
  5. I'll be beginning a project not dissimilar to Macey Deans excellent Spiritwolf series, or EnterElysiums World War K. I'll be roleplaying and building the Confederation of planets, complete with vying factions and mounting environmental pressures back on Kerbin. I'm currently setting the stage for the beginnings of the, I guess after action report is the best word for it. Launching a global satellite network and building an ISS counterpart. I also need to set up the Kerbinbound buildings and set's for roleplay related stuff. I'm basing the Confederation of combinations of my two favourite Peter F Hamilton sci-fi series', Nights Dawn and Greg Mandel, with the former being the main influence of the larger Confederation and the latter being the influence of the roleplaying related things on the smaller scale. Does anybody have any suggestions or tips for me while I'm in the early stages? This is the first time I've made and After Action Report for a game before. I'll be keeping the roleplaying to a minimum, because for a reason which I cannot fathom it isn't allowed on the KSP forums. I'm assuming it's referring to forum roleplays but I'll play it safe, for the record, if any mods are reading this, I'm referring to in game roleplaying. I'll take this down till I have some actual gameplay to talk about if it's requested, if not, feel free to post suggestions in the comments, also, if you have a craft, base or other item that you think would fit with the Confederation, drop me a link and I'll try and include it.
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