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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. It's asparagus-season in europe btw. Get your pale faces off of the monitor, go to a restaurant and have some asparagus. Avoid eating opposing shoots of asparagus at once because you care for "balance". And don't tell your friends that the center shoot is still full while you ate all the surrounding shoots. It's not cool. Oh, and dont cut off the tip of the central asparagus shoot saying you "decoupled the capsule". It's a vegetable, get over it!
  2. This, given the fact that the FL-T100 is a very basic part, might be the answer. Now we only need to figure out what "KA" does refer to. (btw I love those little references on the parts)
  3. I started my 0.23.5 career just today, and as i was trying to rush through the rahter boring first tiers of the tech tree, i discovered a real problem career brings to me: I am impatient as hell - idk how many vessels i lost by timewarping to much, getting distracted, not clicking the right timewarp-arrow in time or something else. My first mission to minmus was going to be a success on the first try, i just got bored watching the map screen while doing 34 m/s on the encounter, warped, and smashed my ship into the surface of the huge Mentos. Also, being over-ethusiastic: When said Minmus mission finally succeeded, my lander fell over and came to a rest on its side, and instead of aborting the mission and send a ship to rescue the science, i tried to start the vessel by scratching over the surface, eventually making everything go BOOM and waste all the time spent.
  4. Yes. A manouver-node gives you the dV-requirement for the burn. Whats the point in calculating a requirement if you don't know your total dV? As the game is right now, Delta-V is simply not implemented consequently, but it's there. I understand the "ksp-way of doing things", but either you have dV fully integrated or you leave it out completely. Having dV-requirements but no total dV in vanilla ksp ist just half-baked. In fact, the requirement a manouver node gives you ist pointless if you don't know how much Delta-V you actually have. It's like a car telling you that you need amount X fuel to drive from A to B but not letting you know how much fuel you have at all.
  5. I don't think asteroids do live momogamous. I believe one asteroid has many asteroidines until he impacts somwhere. Hey, every asteroid-daddy wants to have his very own asteroid-belt.
  6. Darth_Kerb


    Hey, I'm the latest new one! Being with ksp since 0.22 ( so still new, shiny and clean ) and I was lurking the forums ever since because its such a huge knowledge base and source of inspiration that provided hours and hours of fun to me. Thanks for that, its an awesome community. But now i wanna have a voice here, theres so much fun going on where i would like to finally participate. I'm 28 and from Kermany, if that matters ( seen the term "Kermany" here in some users' info and instantly fell in love with it because it fits so well )
  7. If you're not religious, try to imagine that there actually is a god that has control about everything. Consider this god could be Danny2462. Now think about the question again.
  8. Heres a noob. I started with playing ksp during 0.22 and I have yet to master so many things, like exploring the Joolian system, visiting Moho or Eeloo or even do complex missions that require more than one launch. However, I somehow enjoy the construction-part of the game at the moment more than the actual flying part, which isn't bad for me as I am confident that the experience i make now in building my vessels will help me once I come to the point that I stop being a kerbal engineer and become a kerbonaut. KSP offers so many ways to play, and some awesome rocket-builders might suck at flying, and some elite kerbonauts might need help with building. Some are mediocre at anything and still enjoy the game. I think there are very few real noobs in this game, and even fewer true experts, as the game lets the player decide about his own goals and offers many, many ways to achieve those goals, which is a major point that makes this game awesome and enjoayble as it is.
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