I started my 0.23.5 career just today, and as i was trying to rush through the rahter boring first tiers of the tech tree, i discovered a real problem career brings to me: I am impatient as hell - idk how many vessels i lost by timewarping to much, getting distracted, not clicking the right timewarp-arrow in time or something else. My first mission to minmus was going to be a success on the first try, i just got bored watching the map screen while doing 34 m/s on the encounter, warped, and smashed my ship into the surface of the huge Mentos. Also, being over-ethusiastic: When said Minmus mission finally succeeded, my lander fell over and came to a rest on its side, and instead of aborting the mission and send a ship to rescue the science, i tried to start the vessel by scratching over the surface, eventually making everything go BOOM and waste all the time spent.