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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. As of the "b" version of the mod, the issues shown in my video are gone! Everything works as expected. Will continue to keep an eye out for more misbehavior.
  2. Amazing! I will test the new version on the same craft that I showed on my video.
  3. Like Atrius129 said in his post #2671 I too spotted the same problem that happens when switching back to the vessel with the robotic parts. I made a little video to illustrate it how it happened to me.
  4. Looking forward to testing this candidate! Great job sirkut and omgnull! Edit: Indeed all of my crafts for pistons testing are fully working. Will see if something else breaks.
  5. I know what you mean by mostly... Or I simply don't know what makes Pistons work because they're looking like a gamble right now! Which is kind of funny.
  6. I don't even know if my previous posts are going to show up... But I kept fiddling with the telescopic pistons and found out I know nothing. I'm not certain how to reproduce the thing that makes the pistons extend backwards, some times it happens and sometimes it works fine. Posting the pictures in an album here: http://imgur.com/a/gFFSt Craft In this test I was able to get the 1/2 and 1/4 pistons to work fine on all 4 different tests, however the big piston only worked once of 5 tests I did. It's important for me to mention that every piston set is a copy.
  7. After so long lurking around, I finally had to create an account just to try and help out with this wonderful mod. I looked around since you posted the beta and haven't found anything regarding telescopic piston of 1/4 size. Every telescopic piston seems to work fine though. Here goes what I've found. Here I have a series of tests I ran with the different pistons in their starting position. Next I extended all of them under the same group. In the front middle pod I have all the three 1/4 pistons individually. The middle piston (1/4 A section) and right piston (1/4 B section) appear to extend backwards while the C section shows to work fine. You can also see the same behavior in the test behind it trying to push up the parachute with the A, B and C pistons on top of each other, where the A and B actually go backwards just having C push it up. This is reproduced without the parachute on the right hand side. I've tried to reproduce this under different circumstances having the same thing happening. Craft file here.
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