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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I guess this question was already asked way too much but I didnt find one thread, so whatever-here is my question: How to I get to/ rendezvous with an asteroid? I thank everybody for help cya all, sincerly Bunne:sticktongue:
  2. Hey Community, I bet you have heard this one often enough but I am sry for being to lazy to search for a thread fitting my question. So here's my question: I tried landing on MUN a several times now and it always worked, but always my craft was flying to one site, so it moved down to the ground but also sideways and then when I hit the ground it would roll over very quickly and mostly something broke. What can I do to prevent my Lander from doing this? I hope I get someone to answer me back. cya all sincerly Bunne
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