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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. First off, I absolutely love this mod! On that note, I've decided to share with you all a small set of pictures taken from an Elon Musk (my inspiration) AMA at the beginning of the year, alongside with a few pictures I keep on hand for ease of access to some (of my most looked into) data on KSP. By no means is this complete but It's just my own reference and I thought maybe you will find it useful too. Original AMA Link: Elon Musk AMA on Reddit Imgur Link: AMA nit-picked QA pictures (does not include other pictures in folder) Download: Mega.co.nz Link *Credit to all those who contributed to all data provided on the wiki and other sources.* EDIT: These pictures were assembled using Paint so do not expect professional quality
  2. Go outside and get my daily dose of sunlight for soon I shall fall into a pit of endless cosmic choreography.
  3. I feel like such an idiot . Thank you very much for the reply. Just as I read this I saw another post about the whole going backwards thing. That post should be stickied . I face-palmed so hard my hand left a print lol. Thanks again mr stranger!
  4. So I got to polar orbit with minimal deviation. How is this not completing? Everything matches up almost perfectly. Surely I must be missing something very obvious. Also, any chance someone could help me understand what "longitude of ascending node" and "Argument of Periapsis" means? EDIT: Answered: I went the wrong direction to orbit *face-palm*
  5. I had a similar experience. I had to grab 2 surface reports that were 7km from each other and a 3rd report above 18000m. It was EXTREMELY challenging! Reasons: - 30 part limit. - FAR - trying to get an EVA kerbal back into anything mildly higher off the ground - both ground locations were on rough terrain - 5y to expiry (just kidding! ) Ended up building a minimalist plane - no science things on it, just cheapest wings and minimal weight (3.9t with just enough fuel) with 6 parachutes in pairs in 3 additional stages. Each pair would aero-brake and land my plane horizontally over the location. Had to then carefully drive out to find a flat area to take off from. repeat for second location and landing. It took me around 3 tries (and a whole bunch more testing with VTOL crafts and other alternative crazy contraptions lol). Got my 80k funds early - a huge leap early on, towards upgrading my launch pad and rocket building! (well, everything really lol) Tip: For those struggling to land planes at KSC i suggest using a set of parachutes to set your plane gently down then ride up to the runway and reclaim 100% funds EDIT: I must say 0.90.0.xxx has been the most challenging, fun and rewarding experience I have ever had in KSP
  6. My single greatest achievement in KSP career mode since the release of the ARM patch. I know it's only a tiny asteroid but it was one hell of a fun journey! Parked 200,000 meters outside kerbin. I know... the space station looks like.. one.. giant.. rocket..lol (sorry i'm still unlocking parts ). Also, looks a bit messy since i've been testing out KAS mod's linkage parts (an alternative to docking!). I love that mod since its release . The 2 small identical ships are used for towing other ships and objects to dock. Found it very easy to manage docking that way since fuel is not an issue (yes, i always have fuel problems lol). Feel free to share your glorious moments no matter how small
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