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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hello, I've encountered a problem with my ship. I was returning from Jool and got myself into a kerbin escape and was slowing down, so I paused and ditched some of fuel tanks that were on the side. I quick-saved and then continued burning when the game froze and when it unfroze, I was left with Nan for deuterium and tritium, I tried re-loading and nothing changed. On a side note, my velocity was reduced to 0.1m/s but is slightly different in the picture because i tried thrusting away with my rcs
  2. Can anyone direct me to how to post ksp.log files? I have an error with my deuterium/tritium fuels where it just says Nan and I would love some assistance. Thanks.
  3. I'm not sure if my last reply went through, so this might be a double post. Anyways, if you could direct me to the file that you need I'd be more than happy to help.
  4. I'm not much of a computer wizz. If you could direct me to where I could find it, I can give it to you.(Btw i use steam).
  5. I seem to have run into an issue. I built a rather large Dt fusion engine ship. Which I took to Jool and had to return due to my low supply of Liquid fuel. I was burning retrograde around Kerbin to bring myself into an orbit and then the game froze and then it unfroze. After unfreezing i was hovering from about 65mil km with an orbit speed of .1m/s and my deuterium and tritium now have Nan as their fuel levels. Because of this I cannot try to re-orbit and I was hoping to be able to reuse this station, rather than letting it plummet towards Kerbin. Any help would be appreciated thanks
  6. Hey, can anyone help me. I'm trying to swap fuel modes on my fusion reactors, I'd like to swap them to He-3 and I looked on the wiki and it says that as long as I have enough of each fuel, I should be fine. I have around 1.5(units?) of helium 3.
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