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  1. Will the new tanker be the first craft to use the Kerbodyne parts?
  2. And here was me, convinced it was already gone. It is the exam time of year, so I can understand your position if that's the case
  3. ^Ditto. Can you make it more obvious in your sig that the codex is an index of all your works? Reading through I noticed a lot of people didn't realise, myself included. They are such fantastic stories.
  4. Great story! But I get the feeling that I'm missing a previous installation(s) in this series, would that be correct? And if so, can you please link me so I can catch up?
  5. You can place landing wheels next to the r.wheels to take the weight, whilst still having traction.
  6. Firstly, wow. The life of this ship, its crew, and its sister ships has been so entertaining. The excellent role play storytelling has certainly added significantly to my enjoyment, and the back and forth between you two gives an excellent insight into what's actually going on that wouldn't be present otherwise, without having the clutter and crossed conversations that happens so easily on forum threads. Secondly, about your fuel tank problems; I believe there is a procedural tank mod that lets you create any size and shape tanks for any resource. I can't remember the name of it, (possibly just "procedural tanks") but it could help you create very large craft that are more aesthetically shaped and, maybe more importantly, with lower part count. Again, thanks for the good read, I look forward to your future antics together!
  7. I totally agree with this idea, it's so annoying when people say they can use cheats and bugs because it's not stated that they can't, despite how obvious it is. Bugs and debug options are not intended as part of the gameplay, and mods are for changing the gameplay, so it makes far more sense to have all these things banned by default, rather than the poster having to remember to state every thing every time. It's also better for players who are new to the forums and may not be aware of all the things that can be abused, and have their challenge ruined by nitpicking.
  8. But where you can drive to is limited without compromising the design.
  9. That's a bit too harsh in my opinion. It's very easy to get a landing spot on Eve over 1000m in elevation.
  10. Wow, that's amazing... Well, looks like rockets are out of the running now, because I doubt you could get one lighter than that beauty.
  11. I have a just under 18 tonne lander, but for some reason it just keeps bugging out when it hits the surface, or falls through the surface and explodes inside the planet. If I ever get around to actually test it I'll post it. Because even if I need to add more fuel it's still way more part efficient + compact than the other best ones here.
  12. I think I've got a <19 tonne craft. I'm about 80% certain it can get off Eve, I just need to get the damn thing there! It can get into a 120km orbit from kerbin without even using a couple of stages. I hope it does as well on the purple planet! Can I use infinite fuel to get there? Just into orbit. It does still have a docking port for transport, but launch windows are a pain to wait for on a slow computer.
  13. I knew a pancake style was going to come eventually, I'm making one with an aerospike, but I'm trying to pare off as much mass as possible.
  14. Ah. I was not aware just how harsh the drag system was. Thank you.
  15. Can ions be used as well if you want to do it stock? Because I've been trying to develop an eve ssto that goes along the lines of electric-nuke combo that takes advantage of the atmosphere, but I'm terrible at building planes.
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