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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Did the first challenge, working on the second! Top Speed before the tires popped! (working on picking where to jump!)
  2. and for the "Best interplanetary science explorer spaceplane."... - - - Updated - - - the dock must be flown up separately on a rocket..
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1ztPVpy15RXWjJ4TFRKa183akE/edit?usp=sharing there is the craft file anyways!
  4. here is my "rover" no name quite yet, pretty sturdy. each wheel has it's own suspension hotkeys - 1- basic boost 2- underhood mono engines to right the vehicle after flips - 0-drop landercanincludes built in car jacks for those inevitable flat tires. - (it's also amphibious - note the air intakes) (it's also amphibious - note the air intakes) Specs = Cost - 56016 Weight - 14.28 tons Part count - 224 Top Speed - 54m/s Top Speed on water - 3.3m/s (lol)
  5. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1z...it?usp=sharing Kaster Mk1 (Interplanetary dock is still attached in the file, just disconnect in hanger to fly the plane alone.) Category: Stock - Best sporty pleasure craft parts=80 wet=13.46t dry=6.43t controls 0- toggles all intakes 1- toggles intakes and jet engines 2- toggles rockomax 48-7s's 3- toggles 0-10 mono engines 6- toggles rcs (for use with dock) 9- decouples dock Flight plan - 1)press 0 to turn off all intakes, (so intakes are sync'd with engines) activate sas 2)shift to full thrust, press 1 to activate jet engines and intakes 3)gain speed to the end of the run way, then point straight up 90 degrees 4)reach altitude of 13000m then point nose at the 25 mark, with a heading of 90 5) at 22000m aim at the 10 mark 6)continue to gain speed until at 1400m/s then aim towards the 55 mark 7) on the map wait til ap is at 85km, then kill engines 8)press 2 to activate the 48-7s at the apoapsis and circularize orbit
  6. Here is the Craft File=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1ztPVpy15RXbkhiQWlZdzItRlE/edit?usp=sharing Edit:link fixed!
  7. I give you the Kaster Mk1 She can comfortably get an LKO, and using a bit of mono, can hit 500K+ HKO's and what is an SSTO without a sleek interplanetary dock? (granted you have to save the dock as a sub, and strap it on a rocket to get it there)
  8. Forgive the picture sizes, new to the forums. Here is my reusable shuttle. 76 Parts, $75980. Capable or rendezvousing with my fuel depot at 514km, where it docks with its interplanetary tug.
  9. Thank you, thank you! Poor piloting skills is my own assessment! First day of playing the game, engineering was a cake walk, crashed an obnoxious amount of rockets into the Mun with way too much fuel to spare. Builder first, pilot last!
  10. It sounds like a balancing issue. Is the thrust centered behind the COM?
  11. Thank you all for the inputs, I believe Claw was right with my craft, poor piloting skills! A common issue for me. under the hood is actually two sets of engines. Above the turbo's I have a set of 48-7s's to push me the last leg up. After modifying my flight pattern and removing excess intakes, I made orbit with fuel to spare!
  12. the ones on top only seem to increase in flow if I am moving straight up, if i am tilted slightly forward, it drops off completely.
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