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Everything posted by wasteland.soldier

  1. Hope this isn't too old a thread to bump, especially as a first post, but I think it's a pretty great thread. I've got only a couple hundred hours into KSP. I started in sandbox but found all the different parts a little overwhelming, so I switched to career. I've unlocked most of the tech tree, and my greatest accomplishment was probably a vehicle that could reach the Mun, and then hop twice to get science from 3 biomes before returning to Kerbal. I never could get to other planets and establish and orbit. The transfer timing was always just a little off. If I had used a mod to show the interplanetary angle I probably could have managed it. Eyeballing just wasn't accurate enough though. More recently I've begun using MechJeb and Kethane. I'm working on establishing a system-wide infrastructure of refueling depots using kethane harvested in-situ. I was hesitant at first about using MechJeb, but I'm glad now that I do, not least because it lets me study while using gameplay as small breaks. I tend to over engineer in terms of delta-V, although I'm sure that as my gameplay matures I'll focus more on not over-engineering. Love this game! It and Space Engineers are all I play. While playing, I listen to the "Mission Control" station on somafm.
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