Hey guys long time no see on yet another one of my titanically crazy endeavors i tried to make a single trip and back through the jool system, establishing in the process a scout team for a base in laythe. The mothership included but was not limited to: (1) two 3 men landers (personal rule always carry one scientist one engineer and one pilot/leader). (2) one centrifugal hab module (3) docking ports, dockingports everywhere for refueling purposes (4) a lab, for cleaning up the lander´s gear (5) antenna (6) a propeller aircraft to find and mark the most ideal laythe base landing spot (but if you have seen my previous posts, you will realize that i went overboard and sent a f***king bomber sized plane). the whole thing looked ridiculous and magnificent in a way never seen by this user ever, i had the most fun on this one, sinc e it had a really great challenge and i rotated the crew and all. besides due to sucking so hard at calculations and transfer windows, i used like 5 refuelling ships. Credit on the motherships prototype design goes to vanamonde