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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Already knew all of that, I was just wondering if I could change it to remove that requirement.
  2. Before I download this, is there a mode to make this costless so it won't cost me anything to construct stuff? What I mean is I want to just drop a runway or launchpad wherever I want and put a rocket there for no cost.
  3. I get this issue but I don't have any Romfarer mods, trying the game without active texture management now but my mod list is: b9 Aerospace Catepillar Tracks Crew manifest Hyperedit KAS Kethane KSP Interstellar KW Rocketry LLL MechJeb2 Scansat SXT Vanguard Parachute Vanguard Plugin I might have a couple more, do any of those send out a red light?
  4. If I send a small remote aircraft to dock with a space station and then send everyone inside back to Kerbin, can I control the station via the small remote control ship I sent to the station?
  5. Thanks guys, I think I'm ready to get to The Hat Station now! (I called it that because the Kethane sensor makes it look like it's wearing a hat.
  6. I am an inexperienced KSP Player who has only been playing for 8 or 9 hours at most. I have currently made several space craft and ran 2 Mun missions (1 to get there and 1 rescue OP, I will forget about the 3 failures) but my question is about my recently created space station. It is currently in orbit around Kerbin and I want to know an effective method to reach it. Sorry if this is a dumb question but thank you in advance.
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