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Everything posted by 1337kitten

  1. sorry, didn't mean to do that will post thread somwhere else. remove this one if you like
  2. Wow, that's a lot simpler than what I had. Similar designs I had were just barely getting into orbit. I'm sure mine could push towards minmus but I was just too lazy to setup an encounter. only had 4 liquid fuel tanks too for the last stage. problem was I couldn't steer it for crap. at the smallest inclination It would flip over. had to wait till I was near 50,000 before I could even think about turning.
  3. Short story: go as far as possible with the first 5 parts you get in the beginning of the career mode and recover the vehicle (the pod at least) Long story: I've recently started a new career game and wanted to get the most out of my first mission. So I developed a spacecraft capable of intercepting the mun and back. But that took a LOT of work. I don't like to transmit information because it's not worth the full amount of science from the beginning, that's just me I guess. Anyway, the point for me was to get as much science in one trip using one command pod and one kerbal as possible (I think it was 60 or something since I got out and took a sample of the highlands afterwards). As for the challenge go nuts! build the most capable craft possible. Science isn't part of this challenge just the trip involved. go as far as possible (meaning be as impressive as possible. land on minmus, orbit duna, slingshot between the mun and minmus several times, whatever) just make sure to come home afterwards no cheaters or mods or anything like that now make sure to post key screenshots. I know I didn't but I will as soon as I remember to. also have to remember to redo the launch and take screen shots this time. now go! have fun! be creative!
  4. I'm sure this is going to be done by someone at some point in the future I just want to make some suggestions for whomever turns KSP into a legitimate war-game. btw I have yet to play ksp multiplayer but I have heard a lot about it and hope it can become similar to minecrafts multiplayer mode Have (optional) opposing factions (2,3,10?) instead of individual players battling it out. (so noobs can find protection under fellow faction members) as for bases on Kerbal, there's plenty of space on the equator for different factions/players to launch from. (it doesn't have to be on the equator, its just the best zone for launching spacecraft) make all other opposing factions invisible to the player on the map screen. (make it necessary to install long range/short range scanners as well as telescopes on their spacecrafts. or even the need to "eyeball it") The ability to track opposing spacecrafts by planting a bug via EVA (and the owner wouldn't be able to get it off until they notice it and EVA out to detach it) Make no spacecraft safe from hijacking/pirating (can't imagine how it would work with already occupied craft, perhaps a Kerbal slap-fight animation is in order) players could use something like KOS to develop unmanned defensive turrets (I say KOS because just adding some plugin for auto-turrets would be to easy). also no weapons mods (building Kerbalish weapons is too much fun!) maybe have a few extremely useful parts scattered across every planet/moon that would need to be transported back to Kerbal in order for your faction to unlock or have your faction receive some sort of bonus for landing on eeloo or something (this would give factions something to do instead of simply fighting each other) if possible, on time-warp (I know it would be difficult to tolerate waiting hours or even days to get anywhere useful but its hard to coordinate an attack when half of everyone is in another timeline. plus it encourages players to launch and attend to multiple spacecraft at once, giving others more things to shoot at, and if you want time-warp go play regular ksp) That's all the suggestions I have at the moment. I can't wait to see what a true multiplayer battle in Kerbal will be like. Hopefully it won't turn every server it runs on into a debree filled mess that boggs down everyones machine.
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