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Everything posted by colonel512

  1. Beginner, Normal, Realistic. I propose that at some point you consider adding difficulty levels into the game. This could increase the age range of gamers and give people a much harder challenge if desired. For instance my kids like the game but it is very difficult for them to design a ship that actually flies much less get into orbit. Personally I am finding that its becoming easy to do anything without mods that make it harder. Right now I don't see much that you could do short of adding a multiplier for how much science you generate in career mode. For instance on beginner a surface sample on Kerban might give 10 science, on normal maybe 5 and so on.. But as you start implementing a lot of the features that are planned I can see a lot of places where you can make things easier or harder depending on what we are looking for in game. Here are just a few suggestions but this could quickly be expanded into all current and future areas of the game. Beginner -Very easy to get science. Increase multiplier to maybe 2x and be able to unlock the entire tree by just visiting Kerban and 1 moon. -Have future Kerbans suggest where you can go to get more science or provide contracts for it. -Parts and equipment could be more rugged to survive collisions or harder impacts. -No deadly re-entry -Capsules or pods float in water. -Reduced atmosphere mechanics / physics -Easier flight and control in general. Normal -Normal science multiplier. -Very vague recommendations or contract on where to go. -Normal strength for parts. Realistic -Reduced multiplier for science. Force them to visit most of the outer planets to be able to unlock the entire science tree. -Limited kerbals and perma death. -No reverting after your rocket explodes. -Realistic atmosphere mechanics / physics. -Realistic flight and control. -Stuff sinks if you land in water (without parts to make you float)
  2. I am fairly new to KSP and love it so my congrats on a job well done. One thing I find that I constantly do is switch from the game view to map view just to see the Apoapsis and Pereapsis. I tend to miss staging b/c of that plus I really like watching the the ship I built fly. Could those two values be included in the game view as well? Maybe as an toggle option in the settings to display it on screen or near the navigation ball? I know there are mods that will display that information but all of the ones I have found either support old versions or they display a lot more information than I currently want. Since the values are already in game it seems like it could be a relatively easy change to make.
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