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  1. I'm still having trouble with radial atmosphere intakes not giving my vessel any intake atmosphere. I edited the sabre intake to accept intake atmosphere a while back by adding: MODULE { name = ISRUScoop scoopair = 0.6 } MODULE { name = AtmosphericIntake area = 0.16 } RESOURCE { name = IntakeAtm amount = 4 maxAmount = 4 } to SABRE_Intake_M.cfg and both the radial intake and the sabre intake worked fine for a long time. Now all the radial intakes show 0 flow. Despite having like 24 radial intakes and 2 sabre intakes on my vessel, I have like 90 or so units of intakeatm when it loads but when I turn on my engines and all the intakes, then intakeatm goes down to around 3.30 and stays around there when before it would stay completely full until I hit a high enough altitude. Is there any way to troubleshoot this? I've reinstalled interstellar and ksp a few times now and have been checking for updates to everything like I'm OCD. Thanks in advance!
  2. I'd be interested with any solutions to thrust balancing thermal rockets. I've spent a solid day or two on it and the only solution I've come up with is to give up on radially mounting them altogether for a single one directly aft. Everything I did before I came up with that resulted in my radially mounted atmosphere intakes now always having nil flow. One thing I can tell you is to never let the thermal receivers touch any other parts other than the ones connected at the front or back. Anything clipping it has a way of bouncing all over the place once it loads on the runway. Good luck
  3. Only recently I'm getting 0 flow on all of my radial atmosphere intakes at all speeds. All other atmosphere intakes are fine. Any idea what I screwed up?
  4. Just patched and nothing else and now in career mode all my vessels which had docking ports are gone. I can research every one of the docking ports each in 3 separate technologies but every time I enter SPH or VAB I still can't select them as if they're unresearched. After that if I go back to research them, they're all available for research again. If I research them and go out to space center and back in they're still researched but as soon as I enter VAB or SPH or try and load a craft they're all unresearched. I deleted CLS and now all docking ports are in the correct technologies and only once and after reresearching them they're all available in SPH and VAB
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