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Everything posted by philotical
I got this point allready when Hughesdylan and Einarr explained it to me in such a friendly way And even if it's irrelevant, I knew that before.. So since I have to reclaim my reputation just for one stupid post about star trek - let me explain my point. Maybe the angry kids will bulli someone else than.. In Space (that is where the Plasma works as you know) I have allready warp to simulate ST. But to start/land from/to the ground, there could be a much more ST-like feeling as we have now. That is not a feature request - it's just a fact. "He said KSPI does not have all star trek features - let's attack him" I did not see the memo, that fractal claims KSPI is 100% star trek. I also did not read the memo where it says, I'm not allowed to say that it is not. I mean we can aswell say "Saturn 5 is like a Star Trek Shuttle, it too brought you into orbit" I miss the ability to hover and than accellerate to orbit like a ST-Shuttle - does not/can not work with our plasmaengines.. agreed? I merly said I would be fond of a Impuls drive that can be used like the ST ones.. (Than I was expelled from some goofy kids club where self-important people decide who may be a fan of what.) A ST shuttle can point it's thrust in all directions (several at once actually) and it can fully automatically cancel out gravity, it can also come to a halt in mid air without turning around to thrust backwards, All that does not work with a static engine, with one thrust vector, mounted on the back of the craft. So Plasma is (no matter of it's functionality) out of the race! For those who didn't get it that is science fiction - a fantasy, something we all dream about - KSPI is as close to "our" science reality as possible and we all appreciate it for that. That's why the KSPI plasma thruster can not do that - expecially not in the atmosphere. No one said KSPI must allready have all from ST - so why does everyone claim it does? To compare the non-atmosperic plasma function with a shuttle-impuls is just wishfull thinking.
[Form posted on reload an outdated post again.. - so I fill the space with something else useless] Edit: "Honestly though, he is right but still tell him to take a pill.." What ever you say - the second time today.. Oh btw: Have a look at the non existing star wars thruster effects: (Hint, it's the red hot looking thingys on the back of the Rebel Fighters)
great work so far.. I love it.. but following: 1) 15Mb? - certainly a point where optimization is planned - right? 2. maybe I'm just too ambitiouse in your name if I say it needs retro thrusters, landing thrusters and manuver thrusters.. Not that it does not work without - it's in a stable orbit in no time allready now (not so sure about a landing on Kerbin) - but I would love to have em.. Oh and what I allways was thinking when I flew the Stargazer: Do you have any plans to develop a plugin for it - with "real" impuls drives? Those that let you stay hovering in atmosphere and fly at large speeds in space?
[0.23.5] Planitron Reloaded - Update - (25th may '14 v0.3.7)
philotical replied to philotical's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Thank's for the thorrow report.. - Typo, will be fixed in next update, thanks.. - Rotation and PlanetSize: I have no clue how to do that - but if new features will be implemented, that could be a good choice.. So far, I merly tried to recreate to historic functionality and didn't look for new features.. I will have a look at how this is done - probbably PlanetFactory would be a good point to start.. - Bug: I can confirm this bug, I found it yesterday. Cause and solution are also determined.. Cause: Last update, I implemented compatibility with Real Solar System on request - since then, there are no more hardcoded values - all is pulled generic Solution: I may need to clean up the saved defaults back to the original MainBody when you leave scene. Because it also happens if you set to any planet and leave to the SpaceCenter. So far, closing and re-opening the game works - better is to manually reset to the default Body (usually Kerbin) before saving or changing scene.. But it will be fixed.. I will also update the Known issues section in the first Post to let others know.. -
Progress has ben made :-D Stable Settings and: It took a while but the fully automatic, self installing and self correcting ResourceNodeStorage is working Well, some details are missing or can't be tested at this stage - but the base is stable.. The Data is saved to persistent files, once per save [It's a shortened version - no one needs to see over 30 resources listed here] SCENARIO { name = ResourceRecoveryData Kerbin { name = Kerbin total_locations = 1 total_number_recource_tanks = 35 total_capacity = 0 (ToDo) total_capacity_used = 55.55 (May need a fix) STORAGE { capacity = unlimited (0) modulecount = 1 LOCATIONS { LOCATION { lon_lat = KSC capacity = unlimited } } RESOURCES { RESOURCE { name = Antimatter storagecapacity = unlimited (ToDo) storedamount = 10.00 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 1 display_order = 3 hide = 0 group = none } RESOURCE { name = UF4 storagecapacity = unlimited (ToDo) storedamount = 20.00 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 1 display_order = 5 hide = 0 group = none } RESOURCE { name = ThF4 storagecapacity = unlimited (ToDo) storedamount = 20.00 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 1 display_order = 6 hide = 0 group = none } RESOURCE { name = UraniumNitride storagecapacity = unlimited (ToDo) storedamount = 5.55 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 1 display_order = 7 hide = 0 group = none } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant storagecapacity = unlimited (ToDo) storedamount = 0.00 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 1 display_order = 33 hide = 0 group = none } RESOURCE { name = EVA-Propellant storagecapacity = unlimited (ToDo) storedamount = 0.00 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 1 display_order = 34 hide = 0 group = none } } } } } Now on to the GUI.. I got the windows - but they don't display any usefull stuff now.. You seem to get the point of the plugin quit well - however - keep in mind, that I don't intend to rewrite KSP, MCE, EL and whatever at the same time.. All you suggested would take years, I will try to make it work, than we can assess the potential together - ok? :-) I've seen it - looks great - although, personally I will not use it for my games - don't like EVA-refulings - takes too much time and I get a lot of lag at KSC on EVA.. I will need a part - later on - but it will not require any other mod to work (looking at you (currently quite)outdated KerbTown) Oh btw - I decided to use the awesome PluginFramework from TrigerAU (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/1228-An-Adventure-in-Plugin-Coding) for this project.. Makes life much easier and it's stable.. So kudos to TriggerAU
Got it - it works.. thanks :-D AGE is one of my favorite since a while :-) Ok here is the HowTo for all others (will be posted in the wiki soon): 1.) - Install KSP, Active Texture Management (Agressive) and KSPInterstellar. ATM: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-3-0-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs - run KSP at least once with these settings - close KSP - open GameData/BouldeCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/ - Delete the file "WarpPlugin.cfg" - WarpTrail is fixed 2.) after that, I suggest to install this package: Green Skull ATM configs v1.0 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-5-Release-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!?p=1116712&viewfull=1#post1116712 It will overwrite some of the ATM files and it seems to increase the performance quite a bit! Additionally it handles the warptrail specifically in it's configs. The result is impressive and the warp trail is still colorfull. Thanks to all participants and contributors: Atrius129, rbray89 (ATM/BoulderCo), Green Skull Here is the wiki Page: https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Know-Issues-and-Work-Arounds
intresting, let me check that page: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-5-Release-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!?highlight=active+texture What instructions? - can you quote, I seem to be inept.. What file did you delete? However - thanks for the advise - will try tomorrow... Btw: I promise, if I manage to get together a confimed way to fix this, as a How-To-Guide, I will learn wiki-code and add it there.. :-)
I have latest version, tried with basic and aggressive - removed my code changes etc etc.. no effect black bar at warp - since monthes.. It must have an other cause somewhere within ATM.. Does anyone know what picture files are related to the warp trail? Those warp[int].png look kind of gray-isch transparent-isch to me.. not cyan..
How to make a NON-PART plugin?
philotical replied to greg12's topic in KSP1 C# Plugin Development Help and Support
In case someone is looking for it, here is a afaik comlete list of KSPAddon.Startup-Settings: [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.EditorAny, false)] [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)] [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Instantly, false)] [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)] [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.SpaceCentre, false)] [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.EveryScene, false)] [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.TrackingStation, false)] [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Editor, false)] [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.SPH, false)] I thought I just drop this here.. HTH -
it's said this should do the trick..: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-5-Release-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs%21?p=951061&viewfull=1#post951061 But it does not work for me - I have the black bar all over the place.. It seems no one has a solution or those who have are not willing to share - must be the former though.. I experimented and have this currently in the config - with not much success: ### Warp Plugin Fix config_enabled = true OVERRIDES { WarpPlugin/warp[0-9]?.png { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } WarpPlugin/Parts/*.* { compress = true mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } WarpPlugin/[^/]* { compress = true mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } WarpPlugin/PlanetResourceData/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } ### Warp Plugin Fix
precoolers need to be attached to the intake. radial intakes attached to precoolers do not work. one intake, one precooler. Heat, no clue - but with precoolers, no overheating at no altitude - ever. There is a file in WarpPlagin folder that adds precooler to certain parts - have a look there, maybe you can extend it somehow.
Yes, I'll code it - the model will also be mine to do - no problems there.. I'm just new to C# and Unity but other than that.. :-) I plan to save the data in the persitent file - that is what I'm currenlty working on.. Economic - I've never seen it as economie - just as a alternative way to get "within the rules" to some resources.. I mean we can have LFO unlimitd - so I assume there are providers for resources on Kerbin. Let's invoke them for HE-3 and let them also care about actinides :-) - for a small obulous - well maybe - we will see.. but - as mentioned - it is a step for future versions - the primary goal is to get Antimatter stored in a non-gambreaking, non-lag-producing manner within the KSC..
I was planning once to mine He-3 with the Hooliganlabs airships at Jool. - never did so far though iirc you can set them to make slow to save - than you could leave the ship there.. But I'm not even sure if the scoops work while on rail - I guess not.. but if they where allowed to scoop on rails, that could be a viable way to gather He-3 in larger quantities.. I mean - beside the fact of it's minor usefullness lol
Downloadlink is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79010-ResourceRecovery-for-KSPI-EL-and-Kethan-DevThread?p=1170691&viewfull=1#post1170691 Yo It bothers me that alll resources we are able to mine will be lost if a ship is recovered. It's crap that we have to store everything in orbit or in additionally loaded ships/trucks on the launchpad. Also the verry much loved Tac-Fuelbalancer feels somehow cheaty if it comes to Antimatter and stuff So I decided to give it a try to create a Resource-Storage-Thingy.. At first, it's a part less plugin that allows to recover and store resources at KSP/Kerbin from your ship and use them later to fill other ships. In a second stage, I will add a HUGE part, that can be dropped on - let's say Duna - and from there on, you can recover also resources into this device at duna. That will basically work like a SC-replacement for other planets - limited to a resource refill ability.. I hope that makes some scence - english is not my native as you might know by now lol here are the pictures - not here - I'm working on the framework with windows, buttons and stuff.. So be patient. Usage: open the window with Alt+F10 Final Feature List (thank's to the contributors below): - Recover Resources from Landed Ships all over Kerbin (or any planet with a designated "StoragePart") - Store Resources at KSP (or the designated "StoragePart") - Manage the stored Resources - Change some settings per Resource and general - Fill the stored Resources in Ships landed at Kerbin (or any planet with a designated "StoragePart") - Marketplace: Exchange stored Resources to "Kredits" and aquire needed Resources with Kredits Clarification of this feature: This is no Economy nor is it money - the Kredits are simply used to determine different values of resources by using a value_factor-setting per resource. For example Antimatter will be more expensive than Kethane - make's sence - does it not? That Marketplace is a KSP-Money-independent, one page, tiny-effort, only few code lines, addition to the whole - so don't worry, I don't intend to recreate KSP, nor Missions, nor Economy. You can simply aquire antimatter without cheating by selling Kethane. I love that idea and I will implement it - no one is forced to use it though.. But I'm confident, you'll love it too when it's there.. - Drop a large, designated "StoragePart" on any Planet to get the above feature list also on that planet (except Marketplace). So far so good..
[0.23.5] Planitron Reloaded - Update - (25th may '14 v0.3.7)
philotical replied to philotical's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Glad to hear you like it.. About toolbar.. I guess not - it is currently perfect as it is - the button saves it's position and will dissapear if you leave the default planet.. The toolbar works but the toolbar wrapper does not - or I'm inept.. This one will stay as it is! My other plugin I'm working on, a ResourceRecovery System for KSPI will need the bar though.. So, the tweaking will happen there I'm afraid :-) -
[0.23.5] Planitron Reloaded - Update - (25th may '14 v0.3.7)
philotical replied to philotical's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I've updated the first post with a new version/downlod and updated the info.. see release notes for details.. -
[0.23.5] Planitron Reloaded - Update - (25th may '14 v0.3.7)
philotical replied to philotical's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
New version is in progress.. It works now with RSS - the harcoded defaults are gone, and a dynamically created settingsfile does the job now.. It "should" even work if no planet Kerbin is around - but I have no such planet system to test with - if some one has one, I'd be happy to send a beta-test version I will try to implement the toolbar wrapper once more - than there will be only one version that does both.. -
[0.23.5] Planitron Reloaded - Update - (25th may '14 v0.3.7)
philotical replied to philotical's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
On the other hand: I should mention that I AM asking for details, hence the lack of sympathy - so far. If anyone else is going to report a bug with this mod installed, you should bring Details just in case.